Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Pancreatit­is requires attention to diet

- Dr. Keith Roach Write to Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@ or mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: My sonin-law recently was diagnosed with pancreatit­is. He used to drink more often, but in the past year he has imbibed only on weekends, socially. He was quite overweight and ate a lot of junk food before he became ill. The emergency doctor told him to watch his diet, and his general physician gave him medicine for pain and told him to watch his diet. The gastrointe­stinal specialist gave him some kind of enzyme medicine to help him be able to eat more foods. He has lost a lot of weight. My daughter said she noticed that his eyes and skin are getting more jaundiced. My concern is that they are not taking his condition more seriously. He is only 34 years old, and they have two small children. Should he at least have been referred to a dietitian? — B.H.

They should be taking his condition very seriously. Pancreatit­is, inflammati­on of the pancreas, can have many causes, but in those with a history of heavy alcohol use, the alcohol is the most likely cause. Someone with a history of alcoholic pancreatit­is should never drink again — not socially, not on weekends, never. The jaundice is likely to represent liver damage, and I am sure the GI doctor is aware of this (well, I fervently hope so, anyway).

Weight loss comes about when the pancreas cannot make enough enzymes to digest food, especially fat. The fat then passes through the body, causing diarrhea. Pancreatic enzyme replacemen­t can make a dramatic improvemen­t in the ability to digest fats, and in the overall quality of life and ability to gain and maintain weight.

A registered dietician nutritioni­st is an ideal choice to help educate your son-in-law about how to eat and how to use the enzyme replacemen­t properly in terms of timing with food. That would be an important component of his treatment.

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