Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Trump: Itching to press red button?


It is rather disgusting and tiring to see this President acting like a petulant child because he cannot get his $5 billion wall built which even border security guards think is unnecessar­y.

Who is running this government? Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, or Donald Trump, who is trying to please his 30 percent base? If he backs down now about the wall he said he would look “foolish” but what about the other 70 percent of Americans who agree we need security but do not need to spend $5 billion on a wall that would not be complete.

What happened to real Republican senators with some backbone to stand up to the nonsense of this President who changes his mind on a whim. It is time for Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley to get some backbone and show their constituen­ts they care about what is happening in this country. They should show they care about the government workers who have been laid off and are not getting paid and the many workers like TSA who are working with no pay because Trump said he could do this without regard for them or their families for as long as he wants!

I only wish that podiatrist in Queens had left written proof, as his two daughters attested to hearing from their dad many times, that he wrote a note as a favor for Fred Trump a note saying his son, Donald Trump, had bone spurs in his heel so he did not have to go into the service during the Vietnam War. Only the other day Trump said he would have made a “Great General.” One has to serve in the military first and work one’s way up.

Americans wake up. Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, we need someone in the White House who knows how to govern, listens to advisers who know about the world situation and have experience (not his son-in-law who is a novice with little experience except being friends with Saudi Arabia-MBS and Israel) and takes advice.

All the men we respected in the White House have either been fired or left on their own. Donald Trump wants to be a “One Man Show” and our allies no longer respect us.

Seems this man is just “itching” to press that little red button, but I hope he can be stopped before that happens!

Susan Feig, Boca Raton

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