Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Sick of border crisis denials


In response to the letters from those who claim there is no crisis and we don’t need a wall, I beg to differ.

Tell that to the families who have lost loved ones because of illegal crime, tell that to the families who have lost loved ones to the drug epidemic that comes via the southern border, tell that to the women who have been raped on the journey; many of them kidnapped from Mexico’s border towns, tell that to the border patrols that have to deal with this everyday, tell that to the schools that have to teach them not only the language but the basic skills since most are so far behind and have never been to school. Tell that to hospitals that are drained of resources and the welfare programs that support them.

I am so sick of the pivoting of the Democratic party and its ignorant base that has no plan to improve anything but calls facts lies!

I taught in school for more than 40 years and I saw the influx of second language learners and the drain it puts on the school system and the class size.

Educate yourselves before you just repeat the lies of the Democratic party and use common sense.

It’s not Trump’s Wall, it’s America’s, so if you care about our country, support its being built.

By the way, Mexico will pay by the money earned from the revised trade agreement!

We can also go after over-stays on visas as well!

Let’s enforce our laws!

Lillian Weisberg, Fort Lauderdale

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