Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Offended by Omar comments


Anyone who read the entire comment from Rep. Ilhan Omar should be offended by her referral, before The Council of American Islamic Relations, that on 9/11 “somebody did something.”

Those who defend her should be repelled by such a dismissive comment about a day when so many died, (2,087 and 6000 injured), in an act of terrorism. Someone did do something and we do know who they were.

The First Amendment guarantees her the right to free speech, but her remark should be condemned, not only about 9/11, but the several anti-Semitic comments she has made about American Jews, among them, that they engage in “dual loyalty to Israel,” “that anti BDS legislator­s forget what country they represent,” that Jews are only concerned with money,” “that Israel is mesmerizin­g members of Congress and that our congress members supportive of Israel, are bought off by the “Benjamins.”

The United States has been a refuge for Omar, who escaped the horrors of Somalia, yet she uses her platform in Congress to express derogatory comments about her fellow Americans and claim that she is the one being victimized by anyone who condemns her.

Rep. Steve King was relieved of his membership on several committees after his reprehensi­ble statements, yet Omar was not held responsibl­e for her hateful statements. Talk about a double standard!

Where are the voices of Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Chuck Schumer and other Democrats?

Jack Fakterowit­z

Delray Beach

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