Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Surgical option for vulvodynia available

- Dr. Keith Roach Write to Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@ or mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: My 77-year-old sister has what she and I believe is vulvodynia. She’s in horrible pain in her vaginal area and has had every test imaginable. She has been seen by her general doctor and gynecologi­st, but so far, no one has been able to diagnose her. She feels like she has a constant UTI, but tests come back negative. She’s used estrogen cream, and does Kegel exercises. I read that there’s some kind of surgery and would like to hear more about that. I hate that she’s in so much pain and suffering. — S.F.

Vulvodynia, pain in the vulva from unknown cause, has a significan­t effect on a woman’s quality of life. While it sounds like she has had some appropriat­e evaluation and attempts at treatment, she continues to have symptoms.

Patients with vulvodynia should see a specialist in female pelvic pain, usually a gynecologi­st who has special expertise in this problem. Most often, a number of interventi­ons are begun, including: careful advice on proper hygiene, especially avoiding soaps, douches and other irritants to the vulva; wearing cotton underwear; practicing stress reduction; getting regular nonirritat­ing exercise; and the use of warm soaks and/or ice packs. Another important resource is a pelvic floor physical therapist. Some of my patients have had an improvemen­t in symptoms with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Although there are surgical approaches to vulvodynia, they are reserved for a subset of women with certain types of pain who continue to have pain. The literature reports 60% to 90% success rates in carefully selected patients.

There is preliminar­y evidence that laser-based treatments may have benefit in some women with vulvodynia.

I would strongly recommend your sister ask for a referral to an expert in female pelvic pain.

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