Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Biden set to speed release of vaccines

Fewer than 6M doses have been administer­ed so far

- By Ricardo AlonsoZald­ivar and Zeke Miller

WASHINGTON — With COVID-19 surging and vaccinatio­ns off to a slow start, President-elect Joe Biden will rapidly release most available vaccine doses to protect more people, his office said Friday, a reversal of Trump administra­tion policies.

“The president-elect believes we must accelerate distributi­on of the vaccine while continuing to ensure the Americans who need it most get it as soon as possible,” spokesman TJ Ducklo said in a statement. Biden “supports releasing available doses immediatel­y, and believes the government should stop holding back vaccine supply so we can get more shots in Americans’ arms now.”

Biden’s plan is not about cutting two-dose vaccines in half, a strategy that top government scientists recommend against. Instead, it would accelerate shipment of first doses and use the levers of government power to provide required second doses in a timely manner.

The Trump administra­tion has been holding back millions of doses of vaccine to guarantee people can get a second shot, which provides maximum protection against COVID-19.ThePfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines require two shots.

But a recent analysis in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine estimated that a “flexible” approach roughly analogous to what Biden is talking about could avert an additional 23% to 29% of COVID-19 cases when compared with the “fixed” strategy the Trump administra­tion is following. That’s assuming a steady supply of vaccine.

After the first vaccines were approved last month, the nation’s inoculatio­n campaign has gotten off to a slow start. Of 21.4 million doses distribute­d, about 5.9 million have been administer­ed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Biden has indicated his displeasur­e with the progress of vaccinatio­ns.

“I think the way it’s being done now has been very, very sad,” he said at his news conference Friday.

The Trump administra­tion’s “Operation Warp Speed” has delivered vaccines to the states, he said, “but did not get them from those vials into people’s arms,” he continued. “And so it is a gigantic logistical concern of how we do that.”

Biden says he intends to speed up vaccinatio­ns by having the federal government deliver more vaccines and take a stronger role ensuring that they are being administer­ed.

The American Hospital Associatio­n estimates that the nation would need to vaccinate 1.8 million people each day from Jan. 1 to May 31, to reach the goal of having widespread immunity by the summer.

Biden has set a goal of administer­ing 100 million shots in the first 100 days of his administra­tion. He’s previously said that he and Vice-President elect Kamala Harris have been talking with state and local leaders about meshing the efforts of government­s at all levels. Among the specifics: opening up vaccinatio­n centers and sending mobile vaccine units to hard-to-reach communitie­s.

Biden adviser Rick Bright says the Trump administra­tion approach does not take the last step to guarantee shots are administer­ed. “The top thing is that there’s not a coordinate­d national plan,” Bright said. Bright has a doctoral degree in immunology and headed a government biodefense agency until his ouster last year in what he says was retaliatio­n for warning the Trump administra­tion the nation was unprepared for a pandemic.

The Bidentrans­ition office said its experts believe that pushing out available vaccine as fast as possible will not create problems for people needing their second dose. Biden will make broader use of a Cold War-era law to direct private industry to supply materials for vaccine production, should that become necessary, his office said. One-shot vaccines are moving through developmen­t.

Former Food and Drug Administra­tion head Mark McClellan said he agrees with Biden’s decision, but the increased supply of vaccines has to be coupled with steps to get shots actually administer­ed.

“We’re holding back more doses than we really need to,” McClellan said. But “this needs to be combined with steps to increase the administra­tion of vaccines, or it won’t make much difference.” McClellan served under former Republican President George W. Bush.

Biden announced his plan after eight Democratic governors wrote the Trump administra­tion on Friday urging it to do as much.

“The federal government currently has upwards of 50% of currently produced vaccines held back,” the governors wrote. “While some of these life-saving vaccines are sitting in Pfizer freezers, our nation is losing 2,661 Americans each day, according to the latest sevenday average.

The letter was signed by Govs. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Gavin Newsom of California, Laura Kelly of Kansas, J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, Tim Walz of Minnesota, Andrew Cu o mo of New York, Jay Inslee of Washington, and Tony Eve rs of Wisconsin.

 ?? JAE C.HONG/AP ?? President-elect Joe Biden will end holding back the most available COVID-19 vaccines. Above, syringes with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at a hospital in Orange, California.
JAE C.HONG/AP President-elect Joe Biden will end holding back the most available COVID-19 vaccines. Above, syringes with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at a hospital in Orange, California.

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