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Rural America’s roads may resemble Cuba in 20 years

- By Mike Seely The New York Times

“Range anxiety — that’s a real thing that has to be figured out when people go on road trips. You really have to plot out your course when you’re driving an electric vehicle.” — Jason Courter, chief operating officer at Bellevue Honda in Washington state and a former chair of the American Internatio­nal Automobile Dealers Associatio­n

All those stories about Cubans keeping ancient American cars on the road are absolutely true. It is out of necessity: Trade embargoes prevent both U.S. cars and parts from making their way to the island, and the foreign cars that are available — both new and used — are well out of reach financiall­y for all but the most affluent Cubans.

Because of this, they are the ultimate vehicular scavengers, fabricator­s and mechanics.

On a trip to Havana in 2018, our guide for the week was an affable woman who drove a gorgeously appointed 1950s Chevrolet. One evening on our way to dinner, we hopped in the big yellow Chevy and began rumbling down the road. One block later, its transmissi­on dropped.

The driver summoned a taxi, and we made it to our meal, unsure of who would pick us up once our plates were clean. Nearly two hours later, we were surprised to see the yellow Chevy waiting in the parking lot, its transmissi­on fully functional.

In the U.S., a fix this quick would be possible only if a fully compatible transmissi­on were lying around a given garage, ready to be installed at the drop of a hat (or transmissi­on). Here, such a scenario would be highly uncommon — but it is a different story in Cuba.

“I know people who have every single replacemen­t part available in their garage in case their car breaks down,” said Paolo Spadoni, an associate professor at Augusta University in Georgia with an expertise in Cuban affairs.

As the world’s cars become electric, it might be logical to presume that the mechanical wizardry required to repair a classic internal-combustion car within two hours will become a deeply discounted skill. After all, President Joe Biden has announced that he would like to see electric vehicles account for 50% of all new U.S. car sales by 2030; fully electric vehicles currently account for about 2% of new car sales.

While the cause will not be trade embargoes but rather this coming generation­al shift to electric cars, experts say it is possible that U.S. roads could resemble Cuba for a spell, with older cars running on gasoline engines kept in circulatio­n long after they ordinarily would have been traded in for another fuel-burning model.

“We think there will be Cuba, especially in the rural areas of the U.S.,” said Michelle Krebs, an executive analyst for Cox Automotive.

Battery advancemen­ts will be crucial to making progress on the number of electric cars on the road, she said. “Range is really important to people in faraway places; you have to drive long distances just to get to the grocery store.”

Simply put, a whole lot needs to happen in the next nine years for Biden’s goal to be remotely attainable. Electric cars need to become more affordable. Battery range needs to increase sharply. Charging stations need to become as commonplac­e as gas stations. And the time it takes to charge an electric car needs to fall more in line with gassing up a tank.

Cubans, meanwhile, are limited to renting the Chinese-manufactur­ed Chery Arrizo 5e, according to Carla Bailo, chief executive of the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

And that is not the only issue.

“Electricit­y in Cuba is at a crisis, given that Venezuela is supplying the lowestever oil to Cuba,” said Jorge Salazar-Carrillo, a Cuban native and the director of Florida Internatio­nal University’s Economic Research Center. “I don’t know of any electric chargers in Cuba.”

In the U.S., Colorado is one of the most progressiv­e states when it comes to furnishing charging stations in out-of-the-way locales. Yet a recent New York Times article about a road trip there in an electric car detailed a weekend spent constantly worrying about the next place to plug in.

“Range anxiety — that’s a real thing that has to be figured out when people go on road trips,” said Jason Courter, chief operating officer at Bellevue Honda in Washington and a former chair of the American Internatio­nal Automobile Dealers Associatio­n.

“You really have to plot out your course when you’re driving an electric vehicle,” Courter added. “We’re going to have to have a way bigger charging infrastruc­ture — turning rest stops into charging stations. The average gas station stop takes about 10 minutes. Just to get a trickle charge, you’re 20 minutes to a half-hourplus, with less opportunit­ies to get them.”

During this electric switch-over, the cars will not be sock hop-era classics but might be showing their age soon.

“The average vehicle on American roads is getting older, not younger, so people are hanging on to vehicles a lot longer,” Krebs said. “Gas-powered vehicles are going to be around for a long time, even if we get to 50% by 2030.”

Both Salazar-Carrillo and Courter question how green electric vehicles really are, pointing to their potential to tax already stressed power grids, as well as the manufactur­ing process for batteries.

“A lot of people have concerns about how that will tax the grid, especially with rolling brownouts in California,” Courter said. “Some of the messaging behind electric is that it’s clean. But what did it take to build that battery? It still took factories, and it still took the mining, which, from everything I’ve read, is not the cleanest process.”

A full century on, it is a safe bet there will be highways in the sky and we will all be the Jetsons — if the planet will still have us by then. In the near future, however, things could get a little weird, with colonies of well-preserved F-150s rumbling around rural roads in search of an actual filling station while their electric counterpar­ts are rejuvenate­d by an abundant supply of urban extension cords.

And short of a revolution, Cubans will still be driving the cars that remind us of the good times, the cars that remind us of the better times.

 ?? MEREDITH KOHUT/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Classic cars are driven along Paseo de Marti in Havana in 2014. Cubans keep countless old American cars humming on their roads out of frugal necessity.
MEREDITH KOHUT/THE NEW YORK TIMES Classic cars are driven along Paseo de Marti in Havana in 2014. Cubans keep countless old American cars humming on their roads out of frugal necessity.

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