Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Blood thinners necessary to combat clots in lungs

- Dr. Keith Roach Submit letters to ToYour GoodHealth@med.cornell. edu or to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I have a friend whose 50-yearold son is healthy except for having had his spleen removed in his 20s after an auto accident. Recently, he was diagnosed with blood clots in his lungs. He has had extensive tests, but none of his doctors could tell him why he was getting these clots. He was told he might have to stay on blood thinners for the rest of his life. — W.B.H.

Dear W.B.H.: Blood clots in the lungs, called pulmonary emboli, most often occur in people who have known risk for them. There are many risk factors. Among the 20 or so known genetic risk factors, the most common include the factor V Leiden mutation, prothrombi­n gene mutations and deficienci­es in protein C, protein S and antithromb­in. These would be some of the many tests your friend’s son had.

Not all risks factors are genetic. Deep blood clots can come from prolonged immobility, surgery, infection and cancer. Some medicines, such as estrogens, can increase blood clot risk. Sometimes, the blood clot is the first indication that one of these states exists. More of your friend’s son’s tests will have been looking for these conditions.

Removal of the spleen can be done as treatment for some blood disorders or as emergency treatment for rupture of the spleen, as it sounds like in his case. It is well known that spleen removal increases the risk of certain infections. It is less well known whether it increases the risk of blood clots, but an autopsy study found a 500% increase in fatal blood clots among those who had had a splenectom­y compared with those who did not.

When a cause for the blood clot can be identified and removed, only a relatively short duration of anticoagul­ation may be necessary. However, if a cause can’t be identified or if is identified but can’t be treated, then lifelong anticoagul­ation may be necessary. Some experts will recommend lifelong anticoagul­ation for a single life-threatenin­g event, such as a pulmonary embolism. As always, a balance must be struck between the risk of serious bleeding from anticoagul­ation and the benefit in reducing risk of another clot. Clinical experience and judgment are critical. An experience­d hematologi­st is an excellent resource for an expert opinion.

Dear Dr. Roach: In the movie “Cast Away,” the main character survived over four years on a deserted island supposedly eating various seafood and coconuts. How realistic is that? What health issues might develop from vitamin deficienci­es with such a diet? — B.D.F.

Dear B.D.F.: Perhaps surprising­ly, I don’t think the movie was unrealisti­c in its portrayal. Raw fish has a very wide range of nutrients, and supplement­ation with at least one plant, coconuts, would help with other micronutri­ents, including vitamins. There is enough vitamin C in raw (but not cooked) fish to prevent deficiency. It’s not an ideal diet for most people, but people can certainly survive on it.

You may have noticed that Tom Hanks’ character became extremely lean, which is what would be expected to happen with such a diet.

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