Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Florida shouldn’t turn its back on refugee children

- By Thomas Wenski Thomas Wenski is archbishop of the archdioces­e of Miami.

What do Bishop Felipe Estevez, Father Juan Sosa, Father Jose Espino, former Sen. Mel Martinez, Miami City Commission­er Joe Carollo and business and community leader Tony Argiz all have in common? They were all unaccompan­ied minors, part of the famed Operation Pedro Pan that assisted over 14,000 unaccompan­ied Cuban children who arrived in the United

States in the early 1960s.

Sixty years ago, parents did the unthinkabl­e — they sent their children alone and unaccompan­ied to the United States. They were desperate — and 60 years later, their homeland, their beloved Cuba, is still not free; 60 years later we know that their fears were not misplaced. Sixty years ago, an Irish priest, Father Bryan O. Walsh, along with many others, did the impossible: resettling 14,000 minor children throughout the United States and eventually reuniting most of them with their parents.

In the original story of Peter Pan, Peter and the Lost Boys lived in Neverland and never grew up. The boys and girls of Operation Pedro Pan have not only grown up — they’ve grown old. But thanks to the freedom and opportunit­y provided by this great country they have also built successful careers and raised families. They embody the American dream.

So does Alberto Carvalho, outgoing Miami-Dade Public Schools superinten­dent, who will soon leave for Los Angeles and greater challenges there. He arrived alone to the U.S. from Portugal shortly after he graduated high school — and as an undocument­ed immigrant worked menial jobs and learned English as he struggled to get an education. While working in a restaurant, he was befriended by Republican Congressma­n E. Clay Shaw, who helped him get a student visa. The Congressma­n told him: “One’s future tomorrow is not limited by their condition today.”

Sixty years after Pedro Pan, 40 years after Carvalho’s arrival, there are new waves of unaccompan­ied minors. In fact, our Catholic Charities in the archdioces­e has taken care of many of them without interrupti­on during these last 60 years. We have a facility in Cutler Bay that can house 80 kids.

Today these young people — boys and girls, infants to teenagers — are coming mainly from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. But they are not much different from those Cuban children of 60 years ago. The desperatio­n that has led the parents of today’s unaccompan­ied minors is not unlike the desperatio­n that motivated Cuban parents 60 years ago.

And yes, these children do have parents. They are not abandoned street urchins. When I have celebrated Mass with them, the kids knew their prayers, they could sing the hymns. These are kids who were raised in homes where parents taught them to pray and took them to Mass.

Yet now, Gov. Ron DeSantis is trying to stop all federal programs in Florida that serve these unaccompan­ied kids as well as services to Cubans (and Haitians, Venezuelan­s, etc.) released by the U.S. under its parole authority.

The governor’s executive order 21-223 is wrong, and the Legislatur­e would be wrong to compound his error with legislatio­n (Senate Bill 1808 and House Bill 1355) proposed by state Sen. Aaron Bean, R-Fernandina Beach and state Rep. John Snyder, R-Stuart. What they propose would hurt vulnerable population­s but also would end up hurting the citizens of Florida.

The conditions that produce successive waves of unaccompan­ied minors, the unspeakabl­e crimes that are committed against them as they journey from their homelands to the Texas border, cry out for justice. But where is the justice in blaming and punishing the victims?

Sixty years ago, Operation Pedro Pan resettled 14,000 unaccompan­ied minors in the U.S. Their contributi­ons to America show that magnanimit­y rather than mean-spiritedne­ss is a “best practice” in resolving immigratio­n challenges.

E. Clay Shaw, the distinguis­hed, long-serving, conservati­ve Republican Congressma­n from Fort Lauderdale, had it right: “One’s future tomorrow is not limited by their condition today.”

Why does the governor wish to deny these children a future of hope?

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