Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

History will judge Trump


The term of each president begins with one simple sentence: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constituti­on of the United States.”

Donald Trump willfully violated this oath and blatantly betrayed the office and the country he publicly pledged to faithfully serve. His oversized ego, easily bruised, made him the first president in history to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power from one president to the next. An equally oversized ego led to Benedict Arnold’s name becoming synonymous with a traitor. As architect of the insurrecti­on, traitor Trump should pay heavily for his failed coup.

Will he? Will justice deserved be justice delivered? Will the craven politician­s who initially condemned him, then inexplicab­ly and contemptib­ly rationaliz­ed supporting him, escape justice if not their guilty conscience­s? Will his worm-tongued “loyal” advisors be dismissed as confused lapdogs?

Right-wing extremists used him and Trump used them by playing to their fears and spreading hateful, divisive rhetoric and outlandish conspiracy theories. His motivation was never really about making the country great, but about feeding his personal ambitions and selfish desires. He gleefully made fools of those who blindly supported him and his narcissism will never allow him to apologize and accept responsibi­lity for attempting to destroy our cherished democracy. Expect history to do that for him. Move over Benedict Arnold. You’ve got company. John Kelly, Parkland

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