Sweetwater Reporter

BCMRC launches cooperativ­e project to put Stopthe-Bleed Kits in Nolan County Classrooms


Stop-The-Bleed in Every Classroom Project

Sweetwater — The To make our schools safer, the Big Country Medical Reserve Corps (BCMRC) has launched a cooperativ­e project to put a Stop-The-Bleed kit in every classroom in Nolan County.

Of the 146 mass shootings in the US (since January), 41 have occurred in Texas. “It’s not a matter of if; it’s a matter of when… Every classroom in Texas should have a Stopthe-Bleed Kit,” said Armando Renteria, former Sweetwater Police Officer. Renteria shared his thoughts after visiting Uvalde, Texas, in the wake of last year’s devastatin­g school shooting that claimed the lives of 19 children and 2 teachers.

Taking Action

Since the shooting in Uvalde, the Texas Legislatur­e passed House Bill 496, requiring that every campus in Texas have at least one tourniquet kit. “We wanted to do more,” said Mitch Moore, BCMRC Coordinato­r. “Knowing that one kit can save a life, we wanted to put a kit in every classroom in the county.” We decided to raise enough money to purchase 500 Stop-theBleed kits; enough to place a kit in every classroom in Blackwell CISD, Highland CISD, Roscoe CISD, Sweetwater ISD, and TSTC. In addition to the Stop-the-Bleed kits, the BCMRC can provide Stop-the-Bleed training to the county schools’ faculties and students. ###

We are calling on everyone to consider making a donation toward the purchase of 500 kits; enough for every classroom in Nolan County. Kits cost $60 each. Donations of any amount are welcome. Donations may be made in honor of a school, classroom, or loved one.

For more informatio­n or to donate, visit (the BCMRC Facebook page): Facebook.com/ BigCountry­MRC.

For more informatio­n, press only:

Mitch Moore, BCMRC Coordinato­r 325-201-1171 mmoore@nolancount­yhealth.com

For informatio­n about the BCMRC or to donate to the project:

•Stop-the-Bleed Fundraiser Page: https://www.facebook. com/

•Big Country Medical Reserve Corps Facebook Page: https:// www.facebook.com/ BigCountry­MRC.

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