Telegram & Gazette

What it means to fight ‘the good fight’ of faith

- Keep the Faith Rev. Clyde Talley Guest columnist

A lot of times we struggle in life because we are fighting fights that we weren’t meant to fight. We fight with people, families, co-workers, friends, most of the time because we try to get them to do something they don’t want to do.

Sometimes we struggle trying to change our situation or circumstan­ces. What we need to realize is that those are things that only God can change. We panic and get scared because we don’t know how or when God will deliver us so we take on these fights in life that only God was meant to fight.

However, there is one fight that God tells us to fight. He says, “Fight the good fight of the faith.” Now, notice He says that’s a good fight because anytime you fight with something and it involves your faith, you are guaranteed to come out on top. You are going to always win. The reason why you win is because God is always on the side of faith and as Paul said in Romans 8:31, “If God is for you, who can be against you.”

If something is challengin­g you and you fight back by exercising your faith, then you are going to win. God will make sure that you will come out on top. Even though you may trip and fall, although you may mess up in life, you may have done some bad things, just remember you have the faith to know that no matter how many times you stumble and fall, know that God will pick up back up. God doesn’t want you to be struggling, stressing out, depressed, worried or filled with anxiety about anything.

That’s why it’s important that we let the Lord fight your battles because if you are not careful, people and some of your own kids will get on your last nerve. But you have to trust God and have the faith that God will work it out wherever you find yourself.

So why do we have problems keeping the faith? One reason is that Satan will lie to you when suffering continues with seemingly no answer. You may be going through a trial now that may involve physical suffering, unemployme­nt, children who rebel, faithless friends, mental distress, turmoil or pain. And as this continues day after day, Satan will whisper lies in your ear as He did to Job.

For instance, He may tell you something like, “The righteous don’t suffer. If God’s promises are true, He should have taken you out of your situation by now. Where is your God? Is this what your faith gets you?" Don’t let what you are going through allow the enemy to cast a shadow on your faith! Satan is a liar. Even if you are suffering you must believe that God loves you and He cares about you.

He is concerned about what you are going through and He won’t let you be destroyed by it. He knows just when and where to make a way of escape for you and He won’t do it until that appointed time. That’s why we say, “He may not come when you want Him, but He’s always right on time.” Don’t give up on God because He won’t give up on you!” We must realize that if you live long enough, from time to time your faith can and will be challenged. The question is, will you pass the test?

Sometimes in life we will go through some major struggles and will have some dark places in our lives where things aren’t going so well. It’s during those times that we find our faith is measured by how we respond, and not based on our feelings. You see we might feel like we believe God can do something extraordin­ary, but true faith is the substance of things hoped for where it sets the power of God in motion.

Faith goes beyond a feeling; it’s believing and trusting that God can and God will see you through. Do we dare to believe that God is really in charge and can work a miracle in your life even though you are dealing with pressing circumstan­ces? You need to have the faith to believe that His promises are solid and God is able to protect and deliver you.

Here’s my question for you today. How are you doing at letting go? Are you struggling with your faith because you are you the type of person who has a hard time letting go and giving God control? Or do you like or prefer to be in charge or in control of what’s happening to you?

You have to be OK with stop trying to be the solution to all of your problems, and let God be God in your life and allow Him to do what He does best. Make a way out of no way. Let go and let God be God. If we have a God that can do anything, what are you afraid of? And how can you not have faith in a God that has proven himself time after time, after time in your life? And don’t tell me you have a problem letting go and having faith. Because you relax on a plane even though you don’t know the pilot. You relax on a ship, even though you don’t know the captain. You relax on a bus, even though you don’t know the driver. You relax on a train even though you don’t know the conductor. So why don’t you relax in life knowing that God is in control?

We must understand that God loves us and it is not His will to see us struggle to make it. But we have to have trust in Him that when we do struggle, we can trust Him to get us out of what we are going through knowing, believing, and trusting that He will make a way for you.

That’s why we fight the good fight of faith because we know our God is able. Saints no matter what you are confronted with, fight the good fight of faith. No matter how dark the night, keep the faith, no matter how hopeless your situation may seem, keep the faith, no matter what pressure you may be under, keep the faith, even if you don’t know what to do, keep the faith, even when you can’t see my way clear, keep the faith, even when your haters or your enemies come upon you, keep the faith, even when you are challenged on the job, keep the faith, even when you’re in school and you don’t understand the lesson, keep the faith, when you don’t know what to do, keep the faith.

In this life you will have challenges to your faith but don’t let life beat you down, fight the good fight of faith, because with God you will win in the end.

Rev. Clyde D. Talley is the senior pastor of Belmont A.M.E. Zion Church.

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 ?? ?? FIRST PRESBYTERI­AN (PCUSA), 125 Holden St. Worcester. Worship & Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Rev. T.J. DeMarco, (508)852-2111
FIRST PRESBYTERI­AN (PCUSA), 125 Holden St. Worcester. Worship & Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Rev. T.J. DeMarco, (508)852-2111

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