Texarkana Gazette

Ads equating some Muslims with “savages” set to go up in NYC subway; judge denies actress’s request to remove film from Youtube.

- By Karen Matthews

NEW YORK—A provocativ­e ad that equates some Muslim radicals with savages is set to go up next week in the New York City subway system, just as violent protests in the Middle East are subsiding over an anti-Islamic film ridiculing the Prophet Muhammad.

A conservati­ve blogger who once headed a campaign against an Islamic center near the Sept. 11 terror attack site won a court order to post the ad in 10 subway stations on Monday. It reads, “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”

The ad was plastered on San Francisco city buses in recent weeks—prompting some artists to deface the ads and remove some of the words, including “Jihad.” The blogger, Pamela Geller, said she filed suit Thursday in the nation’s capital to post the ad in Washington’s transit system, after officials declined to put up the ad in light of the uproar in the Middle East over the film.

Abdul Yasar, a New York subway rider who considers himself an observant Muslim, said Geller’s ad was insensitiv­e in an unsettling climate for Muslims.

“If you don’t want to see what happened in Libya and Egypt after the video—maybe not so strong here in America—you shouldn’t put this up,” Yasar said. “... if this is a free country, they have the right to do this. And then Muslims have the right to put up their own ad.”

Geller, executive director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and publisher of a blog called Atlas Shrugs, called a New York judge’s order allowing the ads “a victory for the First Amendment” and said she wasn’t concerned that her ad could spark protests like the ones protesting the depiction of Muslims in “Innocence of Muslims.”

“If it’s not a film it’s a cartoon, if it’s not a cartoon it’s a teddy bear,” she said. “What are you going to do? Are you going to reward Islamic extremism?”

New York City police aren’t anticipati­ng adding any security to subways when the ads go up and have received no threats or reports of violence relating to them, chief spokesman Paul Browne said.

The Metropolit­an Transporta­tion Authority in New York initially refused to run Geller’s ad, saying it was “demeaning.” But U.S. District Court Judge Paul Engelmayer ruled last month that it is protected speech under the First Amendment.

Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, backed publicatio­n of the “patently offensive” ads. “More offensive would be their censorship because that would violate the guarantee of free expression of all ideas regardless of how distastefu­l they are,” she said.

Opponents say the ads imply that Muslims are savages. “We recognize the freedom of speech issues and her right to be a bigot and a racist,” said Muneer Awad, the executive director of the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. But he said he hopes the MTA and elected officials “take on a leadership role in denouncing hate speech.”

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