Texarkana Gazette

I’m anti-abortion … because I’m pro-life

- Christine Flowers

I didn’t kill three people at Planned Parenthood.

I didn’t wake up one morning, forget to take my meds, get my fill at some of my favorite pornograph­ic websites, smoke a few joints, load up my (probably registered) semi-automatic, pull out my map, get in my car, drive toward the clinic in Colorado Springs and take aim.

I didn’t scream about Jesus to my neighbors while cheating on my significan­t other-of-the-moment, produce numerous children with numerous partners, abuse my spouse, gamble or call people who kill abortionis­ts “heroes.”

Robert Dear did these things. I didn’t.

What I did do was go to church in the middle of the day last week, said a few prayers for the lost souls of potential artists, presidents, doctors and saints, and then bought myself a sandwich for the 15 remaining minutes of my lunch hour.

And I posted a few things on my Facebook page about the hypocrisy of the pro-choice movement that talks a good talk about the “war on women” but has no concern for the unborn women who are systematic­ally aborted every day.

And I got into some interestin­g discussion­s with friends who don’t agree with me.

And I donated money to St. Jude’s and Children’s Hospital.

And went back to my office and continued to represent persecuted immigrant children who are in danger of being sent home to their Central American hell holes.

But if you listen to so many in the abortion-rights movement, most on the political left but a significan­t number on the right and in the middle, I killed three people at Planned Parenthood because: 1) I oppose abortion; 2) I openly criticize the unethical and borderline criminal acts of abortion providers; and 3) I am a self-professed, unapologet­ic Christian.

It was inevitable that only hours after Robert Dear sprayed bullets on innocent people at the clinic in Colorado Springs, using his sick understand­ing of what it means to “protect life” to wreak havoc on the day after Thanksgivi­ng, people who have an interest in keeping Planned Parenthood in business would start the expected, droning cadence of “the anti-choicers with their hate speech made this happen.”

I was not surprised to see the front page of newspapers like the New York Daily News filled with headlines like “Hate Loaded the Gun: Angry GOP Rhetoric, Lies Drive Zealots To Target Abort Clinics.” If you actually read the article, you realized that the quote came from a Planned Parenthood employee, but the newspaper had no problem whatsoever adopting her view of the tragedy.

Others wrote columns that started with this kind of hyperbole: “If this were a just world, at least four Republican presidenti­al candidates—Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz—would be arraigned in the court of public opinion for inciting violence. How shameless it is that they warn about foreign threats while ginning up the dirtbags at home.” That is an actual quote from a journalist who somehow missed the class on how speech we don’t like doesn’t automatica­lly equate to “hate speech.” He also mistook the First Amendment for a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC.

This is not a new phenomenon, this gleeful piling on from the abortion faithful. While no one would deny their genuine anguish at the deaths of innocent post-birth human beings, it is hard to escape the feeling that Planned Parenthood supporters are also giddy at the prospect of turning the screws even tighter on their anti-abortion opponents. Here is yet another chance to show how evil those rosary-swinging old ladies really are, the ones who spout the hate speech otherwise known as Ave Marias and Our Fathers outside of abortion clinics (not that anyone hears them now that they’ve been forced by court edict to remain 10 miles distant from any clinic entrance).

When George Tiller was murdered by another crazed child of a misbegotte­n god, one who thought he was saving babies by shedding blood, Planned Parenthood and its acolytes in the media and political circles were quick to point the finger directly at the anti-abortion movement. In a display of just how unsophisti­cated the most radical abortion supporters can be, they made no distinctio­n between peaceful protestors who were passionate in their vocal assault on the abortion industry (my hand is raised), and men who shot up clinics or massacred abortionis­ts. They opportunis­tically used the carnage to lump each of us into the same, monolithic cabal.

Well they’re not going to do it again. Just as we demand that “good Muslims” denounce the radical extremism of their brothers and sisters in faith, those of us who see abortion as the most fundamenta­l moral evil of this modern society must denounce the radicals who hijack our movement. We “good Christians” or “good conservati­ves” or “good pro-lifers” need to prevent the opposition from making us philosophi­cal twins with Robert Dear, Eric Rudolph, James Kopp and Scott Roeder. We have to be willing to look the pro-choice apologists in the eye and say “You don’t get to write political statements in the blood of innocent victims.”

I am heartbroke­n at what happened in Colorado Springs. I have gone into church and taken the same rosary that has sustained the prayers for aborted children to pray for the victims of last week’s insidious massacre. But I reject the premise that language, even harsh language, can trigger havoc.

Words don’t kill. Sick, evil people do.

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