Texarkana Gazette

LePage: Reports of my political demise ‘greatly exaggerate­d’


AUGUSTA, Maine—Amid political pressure and calls for his resignatio­n, Republican Gov. Paul LePage on Tuesday suggested that he might be considerin­g stepping aside but seemed to reject the idea entirely hours later in a tweet, saying, “The reports of my political demise are greatly exaggerate­d.”

Meanwhile, House Republican­s prepared to gather Tuesday evening in Augusta to figure out potential ramificati­ons for LePage’s latest crisis while Democrats promoted a rally near the Blaine House to call for the governor to resign.

LePage, who already had a tempestuou­s relationsh­ip with lawmakers, has been criticized in recent days for an obscene voicemail he left for a Democratic legislator and for blaming minorities for the state’s heroin crisis. Democratic lawmakers have warned that LePage was coming unhinged, and they called for a political interventi­on.

Speaking Tuesday on WVOM-FM radio, LePage apologized for his tirade last week against Rep. Drew Gattine and said it was “unacceptab­le and totally my fault.” LePage said he intends to make amends, and he is scheduled to meet with Gattine on Wednesday morning in Augusta.

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