Texarkana Gazette

Chicago Tribune endorses Libertaria­n

- By Sarah D. Wire

WASHINGTON—The Chicago Tribune’s editorial board endorsed Libertaria­n presidenti­al candidate Gary Johnson Friday.

“Libertaria­ns Gary Johnson of New Mexico and running mate William Weld of Massachuse­tts are agile, practical and, unlike the major-party candidates, experience­d at managing government­s. They offer an agenda that appeals not only to the Tribune’s principles but to those of the many Americans who say they are socially tolerant but fiscally responsibl­e,” it states.

Except for endorsing President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, the Tribune has endorsed only Republican presidenti­al candidates for the past 169 years. Friday’s endorsemen­t is the latest in a string of conservati­ve and nonpartisa­n editorial boards not endorsing Republican nominee Donald Trump.

In an editorial, the board said that it cannot endorse Trump and will not endorse Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“We reject the cliche that a citizen who chooses a principled third-party candidate is squanderin­g his or her vote,” the editorial states.

The Tribune’s editorial board said in March that it “could not, would not” endorse Trump.

“Trump has gone out of his way to anger world leaders, giant swaths of the American public, and people of other lands who aspire to immigrate here legally. He has neither the character nor the prudent dispositio­n for the job,” the editorial states.

The editorial board calls Clinton “undeniably capable,” but says it is concerned about her plans to expand federal programs, and questions her honesty and trust.

“Time upon time, Clinton’s behavior affirms the perception that she’s a corner-cutter whose ambitions drive her decisions,” the editorial states.

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