Texarkana Gazette

President-elect plunges back into politics, tosses hat to fan

- By Ken Thomas

BATON ROUGE, La.—Appearing jovial and relaxed, Donald Trump plunged back into election politics Friday, a full month after he won the presidency, enthusiast­ically prodding Louisiana Republican­s to turn out for Saturday’s Senate runoff election and protect the party’s 52-48 margin in Washington.

Addressing a large crowd at an airport hangar, at one point he tossed his trademark “Make America Great Again” hat to a supporter. He noted that he’d been named Time’s “Person of the Year” and asked the crowd if the magazine should go back to its former “Man of the Year.”

Gauging the boisterous response, he declared the answer was yes.

In private, people close to Trump said he was expected to name yet another Goldman Sachs executive to his White House team. The president-elect’s National Economic Council is to be led by Gary Cohn, president and chief operating officer of the Wall Street bank, which Trump repeatedly complained during the election campaign would control Hillary Clinton if she won.

Major decisions remain for Trump, most importantl­y his choice for secretary of state. The deliberati­ons have become a source of tension within his transition team, with chief of staff Reince Priebus said to be backing Mitt Romney while other advisers oppose the idea of selecting the 2012 GOP nominee given his fierce criticism of Trump during the campaign.

Trump announced that Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor who was an early favorite, was no longer under considerat­ion.

On a busy Friday, Trump also spoke by telephone with Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who broke with protocol during the campaign to publicly endorse Hillary Clinton and said afterward she would not maintain “a diplomatic silence in the face of attitudes of racism, sexism, misogyny or intoleranc­e of any kind.”

Sturgeon’s office said she used Friday’s call to emphasize the “values Scotland and the United States share.” Trump’s transition team described the conversati­on as a “short congratula­tory call.”

In Louisiana, Trump campaigned for Republican John Kennedy, the first stop on a day that was also taking his post-election victory tour to Grand Rapids in Michigan. Trump won both states on Nov. 8.

While candidate Trump was often at odds with the establishm­ent wing of his party, the incoming president has been broadly supported by GOP leaders since the election. And he is trying to consolidat­e any lingering factions, most immediatel­y in Louisiana, where a victory by Kennedy would cement the party’s four-vote advantage in the new Senate.

“We need John in Washington,” Trump said, speaking in front of a lectern that urged voters to “Geaux Vote. Vote GOP.” Trump said he needed Kennedy to help him enact his agenda.

Kennedy, the state treasurer, faces off Saturday against Public Service Commission­er Foster Campbell, a Democrat, for the seat of retiring Republican Sen. David Vitter. Neither won a majority in the November primary, leading to the runoff. Polls have shown Kennedy with a comfortabl­e lead.

 ?? Associated Press ?? President-elect Donald Trump throws a hat into the audience Friday while speaking at a rally in a DOW Chemical Hanger at Baton Rouge Metropolit­an Airport in Baton Rouge, La.
Associated Press President-elect Donald Trump throws a hat into the audience Friday while speaking at a rally in a DOW Chemical Hanger at Baton Rouge Metropolit­an Airport in Baton Rouge, La.

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