Texarkana Gazette

Obama shortens Manning’s term and grants clemency to hundreds

- By Josh Lederman and Eric Tucker

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama granted clemency to Chelsea Manning on Tuesday, allowing the transgende­r Army intelligen­ce officer convicted of leaking more than 700,000 U.S. documents to go free nearly three decades early.

Embracing his clemency powers days before leaving office, Obama also pardoned 64 individual­s including retired Gen. James Cartwright, charged with making false statements during another leak probe. Manning was one of 209 inmates with sentences commuted by Obama, who has now granted more commutatio­ns than any other president in history.

Neil Eggleston, Obama’s White House counsel, said the individual­s would learn “that our nation is a forgiving nation, where hard work and a commitment to rehabilita­tion can lead to a second chance, and where wrongs from the past will not deprive an individual of the opportunit­y to move forward.”

Manning, Cartwright and Puerto Rican nationalis­t Oscar Lopez Rivera were the more prominent names on a list otherwise made up mostly of nonviolent drug offenders.

The actions are permanent, and cannot be undone by President-elect Donald Trump.

With his last-minute clemency for Manning and Cartwright, Obama appeared to be softening what has been a hard-line approach to prosecutin­g leakers.

Manning has been serving a 35-year sentence for leaking classified government and military documents to WikiLeaks, along with some battlefiel­d video.

She was convicted in military court of violating the Espionage Act and other offenses and spent more than six years behind bars.

She asked Obama last November to commute her sentence to time served.

Her case has pitted LGBT rights activists, who warned about her mental health and treatment as a transgende­r woman living in a men’s prison, against national security hawks who said she did devastatin­g damage to U.S. interests.

The former cheered Obama’s move, while the latter called it an outrageous act that set a dangerous precedent.

Yet Obama did not grant a pardon to another prominent leaker, former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, whom the U.S. has been unable to extradite from Russia.

Snowden hasn’t formally applied for clemency, though his supporters have called for it.

Yet the White House drew a distinctio­n between the unapologet­ic Snowden and Manning, whom officials noted has expressed remorse and served several years already for her crime.

Known as Bradley Manning at the time of her 2010 arrest, Manning came out as transgende­r after being sentenced.

She was held at Fort Leavenwort­h, Kansas, where she attempted suicide twice last year, according to her lawyers.

Manning has acknowledg­ed leaking the documents, but has said she did it to raise public awareness about the effects of war on civilians.

“We are all better off knowing that Chelsea Manning will walk out of prison a free woman, dedicated to making the world a better place and fighting for justice for so many,” said Chase Strangio, an American Civil Liberties Union attorney representi­ng Manning, adding that Obama’s action could “quite literally save Chelsea’s life.”

But House Speaker Paul Ryan called the move “just outrageous,” and added, “Chelsea Manning’s treachery put American lives at risk and exposed some of our nation’s most sensitive secrets.”

Manning and many of the others receiving commutatio­ns will be released in May, in line with standard procedure allowing a period for re-entry.

With just days left as president, Obama also pardoned hotelier Ian Schrager, who was sentenced in 1980 to 20 months for tax evasion.

The White House said Obama would announce more clemency actions Thursday—his l ast full day in office—but said those would focus on drug offenders and would not likely include any other famous names.

Commutatio­ns reduce sentences being served, but don’t erase conviction­s. Pardons generally restore civil rights, such as voting, often after a sentence has been served.

Cartwright, the former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who received a pardon, had pleaded guilty in October to making false statements during an investigat­ion into a leak of classified informatio­n about a covert cyberattac­k on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Prosecutor­s said Cartwright falsely told investigat­ors that he did not provide informatio­n contained in a news article and in a book by New York Times journalist David Sanger, and said he also misled prosecutor­s about classified informatio­n shared with another journalist, Daniel Klaidman.

The Justice Department sought a sentence of two years, saying employees of the U.S. government are entrusted each day with sensitive classified informatio­n.

Puerto Ricans had long demanded the release of Lopez, who was sentenced to 55 years in prison for his role in a violent struggle for independen­ce for the U.S. island territory.

Lopez had belonged to the ultranatio­nalist Armed Forces of National Liberation, which has claimed responsibi­lity for more than 100 bombings at public and commercial buildings in U.S. cities during the 1970s and 1980s.

The 74-year-old’s term will expire in May.

The White House noted that absent a commutatio­n, Lopez likely would have died in prison. Obama’s commutatio­n for Manning also raised fresh questions about the future of another figure involved in the Army leaker’s case: Julian Assange.

WikiLeaks had earlier pledged, via tweet, that its founder would agree to U.S. extraditio­n if Obama granted clemency to Manning.

Holed up for more than four years at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, Assange has refused to meet prosecutor­s in Sweden, where he’s wanted on a rape allegation, fearing he would be extradited to the U.S. to face espionage charges if he leaves the embassy.

But the Justice Department has never announced any indictment of Assange.

WikiLeaks lawyer Melinda Taylor said U.S. and British authoritie­s refuse to say whether the U.S. has requested extraditio­n.

Though she praised the commutatio­n for Manning, Taylor made no mention of Assange’s earlier promise to agree to extraditio­n.

White House officials said neither Assange’s fate nor separate concerns about WikiLeaks’ role in Russian hacking of the election factored into the decision to commute Manning’s sentence.

The officials briefed reporters on condition of anonymity.

 ?? U.S. Army via AP, File ?? Pfc. Chelsea Manning poses for a photo. On Tuesday, President Barack Obama commuted her sentence. Manning leaked Army documents and is serving 35 years.
U.S. Army via AP, File Pfc. Chelsea Manning poses for a photo. On Tuesday, President Barack Obama commuted her sentence. Manning leaked Army documents and is serving 35 years.

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