Texarkana Gazette

GOP looks to roll back Endangered Species Act

- By Matthew Brown and Matthew Daly

BILLINGS, Mont.—In control of Congress and soon the White House, Republican­s are readying plans to roll back the influence of the Endangered Species Act, one of the government’s most powerful conservati­on tools, after decades of complaints that it hinders drilling, logging and other activities.

Over the past eight years, GOP lawmakers sponsored dozens of measures aimed at curtailing the landmark law or putting species such as gray wolves and sage grouse out of its reach. Almost all were blocked by Democrats and the White House or lawsuits from environmen­talists.

Now, with the ascension of President-elect Donald Trump, Republican­s see an opportunit­y to advance broad changes to a law they contend has been exploited by wildlife advocates to block economic developmen­t.

“It has never been used for the rehabilita­tion of species. It’s been used for control of the land,” said House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop. “We’ve missed the entire purpose of the Endangered Species Act. It has been hijacked.”

Bishop said he “would love to invalidate” the law and would need other lawmakers’ cooperatio­n.

The 1973 act was ushered though Congress nearly unanimousl­y, in part to stave off extinction of the national symbol, the bald eagle. Eagle population­s have since rebounded, and the birds were taken off the threatened and endangered list in 2007.

In the eagles’ place, another emblematic species—the wolf— has emerged as a prime example of what critics say is wrong with the current law: seemingly endless litigation that offers federal protection for species long after government biologists conclude that they have recovered.

Wolf attacks on livestock have provoked hostility against the law, which keeps the animals off-limits to hunting in most states. Other species have attracted similar ire—Canada lynx for halting logging projects, the lesser prairie chicken for impeding oil and gas developmen­t and salmon for blocking efforts to reallocate water in California.

Reforms proposed by Republican­s include placing limits on lawsuits that have been used to maintain protection­s for some species and force decisions on others, as well as adopting a cap on how many species can be protected and giving states a greater say in the process.

Wildlife advocates are bracing for changes that could make it harder to add species to the protected list and to usher them through to recovery. Dozens are due for decisions this year, including the Pacific walrus and the North American wolverine, two victims of potential habitat loss due to climate change.

“Any species that gets in the way of a congressio­nal initiative or some kind of developmen­t will be clearly at risk,” said Jamie Rappaport Clark, president of Defenders of Wildlife and a former Fish and Wildlife Service director under President Bill Clinton. “The political lineup is as unfavorabl­e to the Endangered Species Act as I can remember.”

More than 1,600 plants and animals in the U.S. are now shielded by the law. Hundreds more are under considerat­ion for protection­s. Republican­s complain that fewer than 70 have recovered and had protection­s lifted.

“That tension just continues to expand,” said Jason Shogren, professor of natural resource conservati­on at the University of Wyoming. “Like a pressure cooker, every now and then, you’ve got to let out some steam or it’s really going to blow.”

Congress reconvened last week with two critics of the law holding key Senate leadership positions—Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso as the incoming chairman of the Committee on Environmen­t and Public Works and Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski as chairwoman of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Spokesman Mike Danylak said Barrasso will seek to “strengthen and modernize” the management of endangered species but offered no specifics.

Barrasso’s predecesso­r, Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, suggested in an interview that one species should be removed from the list every time another is added. Another Republican, Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan, said he wants to limit applicatio­ns for protection­s to one species at a time.

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