Texarkana Gazette

Store brands measure up?

- Heloise

Dear Readers: Today’s Sound On is about storebrand products:

”Dear Heloise: I buy storebrand products and save money on our grocery bill. My friend said that he won’t buy a store ‘no name’ brand because he thinks they are just not as good as the national brand. What do you think?”— N.M.I., via email

I’m with you! Many times the store brand and the national brand have the same quality, and the savings can amount to quite a bit over time.

Do the HELOISE TEST: Buy one of each (store and national brand), then open both at the same time. Most times, you will find that they are the same or almost the same, or it does not really matter. If you are not happy with the store brand, take it back, and the retailer will refund your money.—Heloise


Dear Readers: Hints to use old hardcover books:

Stack several and display a plant.

Use to elevate a computer screen.

Hold down tablecloth­s outdoors.

A booster seat for children.



Dear Heloise: My favorite hint is to keep a medium-size bowl with water and some detergent in the second sink while I’m cooking. I can prewash small items right away without having to turn on the water.—Tally A., Lubbock, Texas

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