Texarkana Gazette

Every day is a day for foolishnes­s

- Jeanne Phillips

Dear Readers: Once again, I can’t let April Fools’ Day pass without printing a few of the more “interestin­g” letters that have crossed my desk during the past year:

Dear Abby: I own a champion Airedale terrier I have been trying to breed for more than a year. Finding her the right match has proven difficult. But recently, we found a perfect match. Their genetics are superb, and they seem to like each other.

The male’s owner and I took the two dogs on a dog run last month and, except for a bit of mud, it was a perfect afternoon. There have been other afternoons and evenings.

The problem is the male’s owner. She will only allow her dog to breed mine if she and I also “breed.” She claims it is the only true way to know if our canines are a perfect match.

I’m not a prude, but since my divorce, I haven’t dated much. The woman is attractive, and I’m lonely, but her propositio­n felt odd to me. And if the breeding is a regular thing, would that be good for the dogs? What should I do?—Overwhelme­d in Kansas City

Dear Overwhelme­d: Keep your romances and those of your pooch separate unless you’re willing to risk your love life going to the dogs.

Dear Abby: I wanted to show my elderly co-worker some photos I had taken of the countrysid­e. Without thinking, I handed her my phone so she could browse through them while I went to get coffee. When I returned, my phone was on my desk and she was nowhere to be found.

Only then did I realize she must have seen the many nude pictures of me and my husband. (We like to send each other naughty selfies.) What’s more, the photos are clown-themed— rainbow wigs, red noses, makeup, etc.

My co-worker has never said anything, but now I sense she’s avoiding me. Should I pull her aside and see if she wants to talk about anything? Pretend it never happened? Casually mention “the circus” and see if she gives a reaction?—Naughty in New Mexico

Dear Naughty: The less said the better. This mess was caused by your “greatest show on earth” of bad judgment. You have only your selfie to blame for the uncomforta­ble silence happening in your office.

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