Texarkana Gazette

E.U. wants to solve divorce before talks on U.K.’s future

- By Raf Casert

BRUSSELS—The European Union on Friday raised the possibilit­y of starting general talks on Britain’s future relationsh­ip with the bloc as early as the fall if decisive progress is made on key parts of the divorce proceeding­s—a move that grants some of the British prime minister’s wishes.

Draft guidelines obtained by The Associated Press say the EU and Britain must first “settle the disentangl­ement” of Britain from the bloc. But once there is a tentative consensus between the two sides on major topics—the treatment of citizens in each other’s nations, billions in budget commitment­s, legal clarity for companies working in Britain and a solution for Ireland’s border with the United Kingdom—the EU says it would be willing to look ahead.

“Once and only once we have achieved sufficient progress on the withdrawal, can we discuss the framework for our future relationsh­ip,” EU Council President Donald Tusk said in Valletta, Malta. He added “probably in the autumn, at least I hope so.” British Prime Minister Theresa May had been seeking parallel talks on the EU divorce and the future but those apparently will not happen for the foreseeabl­e future. Still, Tusk’s timetable and the EU draft showed that the EU was willing to compromise. It will take a summit of the 27 leaders, however, to signal that that moment has come to look toward the future. In Germany, government spokesman Steffen Seibert said “we will hopefully come to this second step soon.” EU leaders have warned that the two years of talks triggered this week to negotiate Britain’s exit will be difficult—but insisted they don’t want an all-out economic or diplomatic conflict. The 27 EU leaders are set to agree on common guidelines on April 29, exactly one month after May triggered the Brexit process.

The challenges prior to moving onto the next step of talks are sizable, however. Some 3.3 million EU citizens now live in Britain and about 1 million Briton live in the rest of the EU. Since the issue of foreigners taking jobs from British workers fueled the Brexit referendum, a solution pleasing both Brussels and London will not be easy.

In addition, the outstandin­g bill for London to pay in previously agreed EU costs and commitment­s has been estimated at up to 60 billion euros ($64 billion). Populist voices in Britain have urged the Conservati­ve government not to pay a penny.

And when it comes to the U.K.’s land border in Ireland, which is key to the Northern Ireland peace process, Tusk’s draft guideline says that “flexible and imaginativ­e solutions will be required.” Further complicati­ng things in the full withdrawal negotiatio­ns will be Gibraltar, the British overseas territory on the Mediterran­ean that Spain has wanted back since it ceded it more than three centuries ago. The outpost at the southern point of the Iberian peninsula has a population of 32,000 and about 96 percent of its residents voted to remain in the EU last year.

The EU draft says the future of Gibraltar will be set in talks between Spain and the U.K., giving Spain a very strong negotiatin­g position.

“After the United Kingdom leaves the Union, no agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom may apply to the territory of Gibraltar without the agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom,” the draft says.

“This is an important point in the future negotiatio­ns of the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU,” said Spanish minister Inigo Mendez de Vigo.

Tusk said the EU will not punish Britain in the negotiatio­ns, saying that Brexit itself is “punitive enough.” The head of the rotating EU presidency, Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, insisted the negotiatio­ns “will not be a war.”

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