Texarkana Gazette

Jury in Cosby trial wraps up Day 3 without reaching verdict

- By Maryclaire Dale and Michael R. Sisak

NORRISTOWN, Pa.—With fatigue appearing to set in, jurors in Bill Cosby’s sexual assault trial reviewed portions of his accuser’s testimony Wednesday as they deliberate­d for a third day over whether the 79-year-old star drugged and molested her at his suburban Philadelph­ia estate.

Jurors made the request to have portions of Andrea Constand’s testimony read back to them but ended the day without a verdict in a case that has already helped demolish Cosby’s nice-guy reputation. They will resume deliberati­ons this morning.

The panel of seven men and five women worked late for the third night in a row, asking for testimony about a detective’s interview with Cosby in early 2005, about a year after Constand says the comedian assaulted her. They ordered strombolis for dinner while a court reporter raced to transcribe that portion of last week’s testimony.

As deliberati­ons crossed the 27-hour mark, some jurors closed their eyes and tilted their heads down as a court reporter reread Cosby’s January 2005 interview. One slunk down in his seat, looking angry.

“Can you find 12 people who will agree? That’s the question,” said criminal lawyer Alan J. Tauber, who wasn’t involved in the case.

On Wednesday, the group wanted to hear from both Cosby and his accuser.

Constand testified last week that Cosby gave her pills that left her woozy, helped her to a couch and then violated her while she was passed out, unable to say no or fight his advances.

The 44-year-old Toronto woman, who spent seven hours on the stand last week, was in the gallery as portions of her testimony were read back to the jury.

The panel also wanted to hear again from Cosby, who didn’t testify at his trial but gave a deposition as part of Constand’s civil suit against him and submitted to a police interview about her accusation­s.

Pennsylvan­ia detectives spoke to Cosby in his lawyers’ New York City offices a few weeks after Constand went to police in January 2005. Cosby said in the interview that he gave her Benadryl, an over-the-counter cold and allergy medicine, to help her relax. He said she didn’t show any ill effects from the medicine, nor did she object as he groped her.

Constand’s mother wiped away tears at times as the interview was read.

Cosby’s lawyers maintain Constand was a willing sexual partner.

The long days appeared to be wearing on jurors.

“This is an incredible jury that has just acted with incredible dignity and fidelity, … and I don’t have any higher praise,” Judge Stephen O’Neill told the panel before they broke for the night. “You have taken your task so seriously.”

Constand denies there was any romance between them and told jurors she had rebuffed his advances before the assault. She believes he gave her something stronger than Benadryl on the night she says he molested her.

Cosby is charged with three counts of aggravated indecent assault. Each carries a maximum 10-year prison term, though the counts could be merged at sentencing if he is convicted.

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