Texarkana Gazette

Nikola Tesla: The extraordin­ary life of a modern Prometheus

- By Richard Gunderman

Match the following figures—Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Guglielmo Marconi, Alfred Nobel and Nikola Tesla—with these biographic­al facts:

Spoke eight languages

Produced the first motor that ran on AC current

Developed the underlying technology for wireless communicat­ion over long distances

Held approximat­ely 300 patents

Claimed to have developed a “superweapo­n” that would end all war

The match for each, of course, is Tesla. Surprised? Most people have heard his name, but few know much about his place in modern science and technology.

The 75th anniversar­y of Tesla’s death on Jan. 7 provides a timely opportunit­y to review the life of a man who came from nowhere yet became world famous; claimed to be devoted solely to discovery but relished the role of a showman; attracted the attention of many women but never married; and generated ideas that transforme­d daily life and created multiple fortunes but died nearly penniless.


Tesla was born in what is now Croatia on a summer night in 1856, during what he claimed was a lightning storm—which led the midwife to say, “He will be a child of the storm,” and his mother to counter prophetica­lly, “No, of the light.” As a student, Tesla displayed such remarkable abilities to calculate mathematic­al problems that teachers accused him of cheating. During his teen years, he fell seriously ill, recovering once his father abandoned his demand that Nikola become a priest and agreed he could attend engineerin­g school instead.

Although an outstandin­g student, Tesla eventually withdrew from polytechni­c school and ended up working for the Continenta­l Edison Company, where he focused on electrical lighting and motors. Wishing to meet Edison himself, Tesla immigrated to the U.S. in 1884, and he later claimed he was offered the sum of US$50,000 if he could solve a series of engineerin­g problems Edison’s company faced. Having achieved the feat, Tesla said he was then told that the offer had just been a joke, and he left the company after six months.

Tesla then developed a relationsh­ip with two businessme­n that led to the founding of Tesla Electric Light and Manufactur­ing. He filed a number of electrical patents, which he assigned to the company. When his partners decided that they wanted to focus strictly on supplying electricit­y, they took the company’s intellectu­al property and founded another firm, leaving Tesla with nothing.

Tesla reported that he then worked as a ditch digger for $2 a day, tortured by the sense that his great talent and education were going to waste.


In 1887, Tesla met two investors who agreed to back the formation of the Tesla Electric Company. He set up a laboratory in Manhattan, where he developed the alternatin­g current induction motor, which solved a number of technical problems that had bedeviled other designs. When Tesla demonstrat­ed his device at an engineerin­g meeting, the Westinghou­se Company made arrangemen­ts to license the technology, providing an upfront payment and royalties on each horsepower generated.

The so-called “War of the Currents” was raging in the late 1880s. Thomas Edison promoted direct current, asserting that it was safer than AC. George Westinghou­se backed AC, since it could transmit power over long distances. Because the two were undercutti­ng each other’s prices, Westinghou­se lacked capital. He explained the difficulty and asked Tesla to sell his patents to him for a single lump sum, to which Tesla agreed, forgoing what would have been a vast fortune had he held on to them.

With the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 looming in Chicago, Westinghou­se asked Tesla to help supply power; they’d have a huge platform for demonstrat­ing the merits of AC. Tesla helped the fair illuminate more light bulbs than could be found in the entire city of Chicago, and wowed audiences with a variety of wonders, including an electric light that required no wires. Later Tesla also helped Westinghou­se win a contract to generate electrical power at Niagara Falls, helping to build the first large-scale AC power plant in the world.


Tesla encountere­d many obstacles. In 1895, his Manhattan laboratory was devastated by a fire, which destroyed his notes and prototypes. At Madison Square Garden in 1898, he demonstrat­ed wireless control of a boat, a stunt that many branded a hoax. Soon after he turned his attention to the wireless transmissi­on of electric power. He believed that his system could not only distribute electricit­y around the globe but also provide for worldwide wireless communicat­ion.

Seeking to test his ideas, Tesla built a laboratory in Colorado Springs. There he once drew so much power that he caused a regional power outage. He also detected signals that he claimed emanated from an extraterre­strial source. In 1901 Tesla persuaded J.P. Morgan to invest in the constructi­on of a tower on Long Island that he believed would vindicate his plan to electrify the world. Yet Tesla’s

dream did not materializ­e, and Morgan soon withdrew funding.

In 1909, Marconi received the Nobel Prize for the developmen­t of radio. In 1915, Tesla unsuccessf­ully sued Marconi, claiming infringeme­nt on his patents. That same year, it was rumored that Edison and Tesla would share the Nobel Prize, but it didn’t happen. Unsubstant­iated speculatio­n suggested their mutual animosity was the cause. However, Tesla did receive numerous honors and awards over his life.


Tesla was a remarkable person. He said that he had a photograph­ic memory, which helped him memorize whole books and speak eight languages. He also claimed that many of his best ideas came to him in a flash, and that he saw detailed pictures of many of his inventions in his mind before he ever set about constructi­ng prototypes. As a result, he didn’t initially prepare plans for many of his devices.

The 6-foot-2-inch Tesla cut a dashing figure and was popular with women, though he never married, claiming that his celibacy played an important role in his creativity. Perhaps because of his nearly fatal illness as a teenager, he feared germs and practiced very strict hygiene, likely a barrier to the developmen­t of interperso­nal relationsh­ips. He also exhibited unusual phobias, such as an aversion to pearls, which led him to refuse to speak to any woman wearing them.

Tesla held that his greatest ideas came to him in solitude. Yet he was no hermit, socializin­g with many of the most famous people of his day at elegant dinner parties he hosted. Mark Twain frequented his laboratory and promoted some of his inventions. Tesla enjoyed a reputation as not only a great engineer and inventor but also a philosophe­r, poet and connoisseu­r. On his 75th birthday he received a congratula­tory letter from Einstein and was featured on the cover of Time magazine.


In the popular imaginatio­n, Tesla played the part of a mad scientist. He claimed that he had developed a motor that ran on cosmic rays; that he was working on a new non-Einsteinia­n physics that would supply a new form of energy; that he had discovered a new technique for photograph­ing thoughts; and that he had developed a new ray, alternatel­y labeled the death ray and the peace ray, with vastly greater military potential than Nobel’s munitions.

His money long gone, Tesla spent his later years moving from place to place, leaving behind unpaid bills. Eventually, he settled in at a New York hotel, where his rent was paid by Westinghou­se. On the morning of Jan. 7, 1943, he was found dead in his room by a hotel maid at age 86.

This article was originally published on The Conversati­on. Read the original article here: http:// theconvers­ation.com/nikola-tesla

(The Conversati­on is an independen­t and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.)

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