Texarkana Gazette

Attorney General Hillary

President Trump appoints Clinton to top Justice Department post


In a surprise move this morning, President Donald Trump announced he is naming former Secretary of State and 2016 presidenti­al rival Hillary Clinton to be the nation’s top law enforcemen­t official.

The president called a news conference to say he had fired U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, with whom he had reportedly had many conflicts over the past several months, and offered the job to Clinton.

“It takes a crook to catch a crook, and Crooked Hillary is the best person for that job,” the president said.

Clinton said she was pleased to accept the position and would make getting to the bottom of the RussiaTrum­p connection her first priority.

For more informatio­n, read the date at the top of this page.

Yes, it’s April 1—April Fools’ Day. April Fools’ Day is an old tradition, celebrated in many countries around the globe. Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales” has a haughty rooster tricked by a sly fox on the day as part of “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale.”

And that was in 1392.

The French call it “April Fish Day,” the Scots “Hunt the Gowk Day.” Whatever the name, the idea is the same. Play pranks and jokes and see who falls for them.

Many famous pranks have been played on the public at large on April Fools’ Day. In 1980, the BBC caused a national uproar when it announced that London’s iconic Big Ben would lose its hand and numbers and go digital.

In 1996, Taco Bell announced it had purchased the Liberty Bell and renamed it the “Taco Liberty Bell.” Even the White House got in on that joke, with the president’s press secretary saying the Lincoln Memorial had also been sold and would henceforth be known as the “Lincoln-Mercury Memorial.”

One of the best-known pranks happened in 1998, when the fast-food chain Burger King announced they had a special version of their signature sandwich the Whopper designed for left-handed people. Customers poured into the store for the new sandwich. Some disgruntle­d traditiona­lists very specifical­ly explained that they wanted the right-handed Whopper, not the new version.

In 2013, bathroom tissue maker Cottonelle announced toilet paper made exclusivel­y for left-handers.

In 2005, Google got into the act, announcing a new drink called the “Google Gulp.” They have also announced “Gmail Paper,” “Google Romance” and “Google Voice for Pets.” Most pranks, though, are more localized. And most are done in good humor.

So if you find yourself the victim today, take it with good cheer. April Fools’ Day has a rich history, and you can always get them back next year.

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