Texarkana Gazette

Know who’s got your number

- Heloise

Dear Readers: The Social Security Number (SSN) has been around since 1936, but what do you know about it?

T h e SSN was originally designed simply to monito r wages for workers in the United States, to help them receive monetary benefits. But the number has morphed into an identifier for all sorts of services, public and private.

You’ve probably been asked to verify your SSN for banking and credit card transactio­ns, insurance policies, maybe even your cellphone or cable TV bill.

The trend now is to get away from the SSN as a way to identify or verify a person. Your identity can be compromise­d, and various types of accounts can be opened in your name using your Social Security number.

If a business requests your SSN, ask how the number will be used, how it is protected, why it is needed and what can happen if you don’t give out your number.

Even Medicare is assigning unique numbers and getting away from the SSN. If applicable, you’ll receive a new card in the mail—you don’t have to do anything.—Heloise

P.S. Be vigilant with your SSN online. Use only trusted sites.


Dear Heloise: I read you every day in the Houston Chronicle. Have you noticed that many restaurant­s have replaced salt and pepper shakers with “grinders”— necessitat­ing wrapping your whole hand around the grinder?

I think it’s unsanitary. With shakers, it’s pretty easy to use a paper napkin. Not so easy with grinders!—A Reader, via email

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