Texarkana Gazette

Make sure dog’s life is a happy one

- Heloise

Dear Heloise: We are in the market for a new, furry family member of the canine variety, and we were wondering, do smaller breeds of dogs typically live longer than larger breeds?— Alexis J., Canton , Ohio

Alexis, congrats! There’ s a lot that goes into determinin­g the life expectancy of a dog, so it’s difficult to say with certainty which breeds or sizes of dogs will live the longest.

Researcher­s at the university level are studying human aging by looking at dogs. They agree: Larger breeds can live shorter lives than smaller breeds. They’ve not yet been able to figure out why, because in general large animals tend to live longer than more compact critters.

Lots of factors go into choosing which dog is right for your family. Regardless of the life expectancy of your dog, though, make sure each day is filled with love, laughter and life!— Heloise PET PAL Dear Readers: Pat in New Hampshire sent a picture of her three beagle blends, Electra, Pal and Toby, trying to make their way through a heavy snowfall.

To see Electra, Pal and Toby, visit Heloise.com and click on “Pet of the Week” at the top of the page.—Heloise


Hi, Heloise: A fun spring/ summer activity? Bubble blowing! And it’s made easier by using a dedicated fly swatter. It has tons of tiny holes and makes lots of magical bubbles!—Erin D. in Nevada


Dear Heloise: When I need a few slices of lemon or cucumber, I slice the end and set it aside. I make the slices and return the end piece (like a hat), securing it with a toothpick. This keeps the cut end fairly fresh and ready for the next use.— Renee W. in San Antonio


Dear Readers: An extra vertical towel holder makes a good place to stack cookie cutters. If your drawers are cluttered with these seasonal items, give this a whirl!— Heloise


Hi, Heloise: My family and I travel frequently, especially in California, where hotel rooms have signs asking us to conserve water/ laundry costs by reusing our towels.

I’m all for it, but why don’t these same hotels provide more towel hooks? Hey, hotel owners: I hope you’re reading this! Hook us up!— Bea Tiritilli, Santa Ana, Calif.

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