Texarkana Gazette

Stay safe on social media

- Advice King Features Syndicate

Dear Readers: There’s concern about privacy on the internet; here are some hints that can help you stay safe on social med ia sites:

■ Allow access to your soc ia l med ia pages only to people you know.

■ Don’t list your complete date of birth, physical and/or email address or phone number. This informatio­n could be used to steal your identity.

■ Be careful with pictures you post. Think of everyone who could see them.

■ Make sure you must approve a post you are “tagged in” before it goes on your social media page.

■ Change your password often.

All of these hints can be taken care of in the “Settings” section of a social media website.

Staying safe online is your job; check your teen children’s pages also.— Heloise

P.S. Before you comment on a post, think: Are you damaging a reputation? What is the tone of what you’re writing? Can what you’re writing be

used against you?

BAKING SODA TO THE RESCUE Dear Heloise: I dropped a liquid laundry detergent bottle on my vinyl floor, which made a real mess.

I sprinkled baking soda on the spill, completely covering it, and swept the mess into a pile and then into the dustpan. I could then wash the area without a lot of bubbles.—Becky H., Reynoldsbu­rg, Ohio

EASY CLEAN Dear Heloise: I use masking tape to pick up small pieces of glass. Works great, and it’s safe.—A Reader, via email

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