Texarkana Gazette

congressio­nal roll call

VOTERAMA IN CONGRESS Hereʼs how area members of Congress voted on major issues in the week ending July 13.



Voting 222 for and 193 against, the House on July 11 passed a GOP-drafted bill (HR 200) that would extend through fiscal 2022 the main law for regulating commercial and recreation­al fishing in federal coastal waters ranging from three to 200 miles offshore. The 1976 Magnuson-Stevens law is designed to conserve stocks and prevent overfishin­g while protecting declining species and fragile habitats and providing economic and recreation­al opportunit­ies. This bill would clear the way for increased commercial and sport fishing by steps such as scaling back science-based catch limits and conservati­on measures, shortening time frames for restocking population­s and expanding from three to nine miles the zone for sport fishing of species, including red snapper off the Alabama, Mississipp­i and Louisiana coasts. The National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion spends nearly $600 million annually to administer the law with the help of locally run regional councils.

Don Young, R-Alaska, said the bill would “ensure a proper balance between the biological needs of fish stocks and the economic needs of fishermen in coastal communitie­s. … Harvest levels will still be based on science and set at levels where overfishin­g will not occur.”

David Cicilline, D-R.I., said the bill “weakens critical tools, like annual catch limits, which ensure that fisheries remain full for years to come. This bill will gut science-based management for fisheries, roll back developmen­t of effective fisheries management techniques and reduce accountabi­lity for recreation­al fisheries.”

A yes vote was to send the bill to the Senate.


Voting yes: Bruce Westerman, R-4


Voting yes: Louie Gohmert, R-1, John Ratcliffe, R-4


Voting 228 for and 184 against, the House on July 11 blocked a bid by Democrats for floor debate on a proposed constituti­onal amendment (HJ Res 31) that would restore broad congressio­nal and state powers to regulate money in politics. This would nullify the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United ruling, which equated political spending with free speech in a way that allows corporatio­ns, unions, super PACs and other groups to anonymousl­y spend unlimited, undisclose­d sums to advocate the election or defeat of specific candidates.

Ted Deutch, D-Fla., said Citizens United must be overturned because “unlimited spending doesn’t produce more speech. It produces louder speech. It compromise­s the free speech rights of everyone else in America. It corrupts elections when people are sent to Washington to work on behalf of corporate interests rather than voters’ interests. And it leaves our elections vulnerable to attacks from foreign adversarie­s.”

No member spoke on the other side of the issue.

A yes vote was in opposition to calling the measure up for debate.


Voting yes: Westerman


Voting yes: Gohmert, Ratcliffe


against, the House on July 11 blocked a Democratic bid for floor debate on a bill (HR 6239) that would require corporatio­ns, unions, super PACs and other entities to publicly disclose their funding of political activity and identify their large contributo­rs. A sponsoring organizati­on’s top-ranking official would have to publicly certify campaign advertisem­ents, just as candidates must for their campaign spots. Each ad would have to identify the sponsoring group’s top five donors. Among other provisions, the bill would clear the way for the Securities and Exchange Commission to require publicly traded corporatio­ns to disclose their political spending to shareholde­rs and prohibit political spending by U.S. companies largely under foreign ownership or control.

Bradley Byrne, R-Ala., who opposed debate on the bill, said that if Democrats “want to address (disclosure) then I am sure they could foreswear taking any corporate contributi­ons, any anonymous contributi­ons to their accounts for themselves. So they could lead by their example, and I look forward to seeing them do that.”

Sponsor David Cicilline, D-R.I., said his bill “closes one of the biggest loopholes that the Citizens United ruling opened, namely, that corporatio­ns, billionair­es and even foreign government­s can secretly funnel hundreds of millions of dollars into 501(c)(4)s in order to covertly influence our campaigns.”

A yes vote was in opposition to calling the bill up for debate.


Voting yes: Westerman


Voting yes: Gohmert, Ratcliffe


Voting 363 for and 54 against, the House on July 12 approved a two-year budget (HR 6237) of more than $170 billion for the 16 U.S. civilian and military intelligen­ce agencies, with the actual figure classified. In part, the bill would require stronger defenses against ongoing Russian attacks on America’s electoral system, expand U.S. intelligen­ce capabiliti­es in space and require a more thorough assessment of North Korea’s revenue sources that would enable the United States to better target economic sanctions on Pyongyang.

Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said the bill requires “critical updates to Congress in the event the United States faces a foreign cyber-attack or other active measures that threaten the heart of our democracy: our elections. There is no doubt that Russia will continue to exert a malign influence on the heart and soul of our democracy. This cannot be tolerated.”

No member spoke against the bill.

A yes vote was to send the bill to the Senate.


Voting yes: Westerman


Voting yes: Gohmert, Ratcliffe


Voting 230 for and 168 against, the House on July 13 passed a bill (HR 50) that would expand an anti-regulatory law requiring the government to limit, or at least keep track of, the compliance costs that federal laws and rules impose on states, localities, tribal government­s and the private sector. The 1995 “unfunded mandates” law helps entities, including the business community, to push back against federal regulation­s.

The bill adds 15 independen­t agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatio­n, to the list of department­s and agencies required to submit proposed new rules with compliance costs above $100 million to the Office of Management and Budget for clearance.

Doug Collins, R-Ga., said the bill “continues the trend of empowering state and local government­s and lightening the grip of the federal government.”

Elijah Cummings, D-Md., quoted a comment from groups opposing the bill: “The Wall Street economic collapse, food and product safety recalls and numerous environmen­tal disasters demonstrat­e the need for regulatory systems that protect the public, not corporate interests.”

A yes vote was to send the bill to the Senate.


Voting yes: Westerman


Voting yes: Gohmert, Ratcliffe


Voting 233 for and 184 against, the House on July 12 passed a bill (HR 3281) that would make it easier for private organizati­ons to acquire taxpayer-owned water infrastruc­ture from the federal Bureau of Reclamatio­n. Present law requires Congress to approve these transactio­ns in advance. Under this bill, the bureau could act on its own to clear sales that would take effect after 90 days unless both houses of Congress vote to kill the deal. Purchasers would be required to hold a water-service contract with the bureau and meet other conditions. About 30 such transactio­ns have occurred in the past 20 years, a frequency expected to increase significan­tly if the bill were to become law, given that hundreds of private firms would qualify as potential purchasers.

Establishe­d in 1902, the bureau owns more than 600 dams and reservoirs and a network of conveyance units, above and below ground, that provide water throughout the West for purposes such as farming and human consumptio­n. In addition, the bureau operates 53 power plants and ranks behind only the Tennessee Valley Authority as the largest producer of hydroelect­ric power in the United States.

Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., said the bill uses “commonsens­e streamlini­ng efforts to transfer federal water projects to local water entities like irrigation districts and local water user associatio­ns.”

Jared Huffman, D-Calif., said, “This may be how Mr. Trump liquidates real estate during one of his infamous bankruptci­es, but it is no way to manage public infrastruc­ture.”

A yes vote was to send the bill to the Senate.


Voting yes: Westerman


Voting yes: Gohmert, Ratcliffe



Voting 97 for and two against, the Senate on July 10 adopted a measure intended to bolster the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on (NATO) against President Trump’s verbal assaults on the 69-year-old Western alliance. Trump has charged that member countries fail to pay their fair share of the cost defending Europe, among other criticisms.

The motion was offered in relation to a military spending bill (HR 5515) for fiscal 2019. The senators voting no were Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Rand Paul, R-Ky. The House passed a similar pro-NATO measure on a nonrecord vote.

The motion reaffirms U.S. support of the alliance and America’s “ironclad commitment” to Article 5 of the NATO pact, which obligates member states to defend any other NATO country that comes under attack. In addition, the motion declares it U.S. policy to marshal “all elements of (its) national power to deter and, if necessary, defeat Russian aggression” in Europe, expresses U.S. support for a “rules-based internatio­nal order” and calls upon the administra­tion to submit to Congress a strategy for countering Russian subversion of democratic institutio­ns in America and abroad.

Sponsor Jack Reed, D-R.I., said it is important that the 2019 military budget “recognizes our traditiona­l, longterm support for NATO.”

James Inhofe, R-Okla., also a supporter, said that while the motion sends “the right message” to NATO’s 28 other countries, it also would “add legitimacy” to Trump’s request that they pay more to support the alliance’s military bulwark against Russia.

A yes vote was to adopt the motion.


Voting yes: Tom Cotton, R, John Boozman, R


Voting yes: John Cornyn, R, Ted Cruz, R


Voting 51 for and 48 against, the Senate on July 11 confirmed Brian A. Benczkowsk­i, 48, a former congressio­nal staff member without litigation experience, as assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the Department of Justice. In recent work at a Washington law firm, Benczkowsk­i represente­d Russia’s Alfa Bank in a dispute over its server sharing data with a Trump Organizati­on server during the 2016 presidenti­al campaign. All parties were cleared of wrongdoing.

Backers said the nominee is qualified to manage the department’s criminal probes, while critics noted he has never tried a case or worked in criminal law yet will oversee hundreds of federal prosecutor­s.

Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said, “There is no credible allegation that Mr. Benczkowsk­i did anything wrong or unethical related to (Alfa Bank). He has promised to recuse himself from handling any matters involving Alfa Bank, and he has promised to consult with ethics officials regarding any other times he may need to recuse.”

Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said, “Alfa Bank was at the very center of scrutiny into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, even making an appearance in the Steele dossier.

Yet Mr. Benczkowsk­i took on Alfa Bank as a client on an issue related to the Russia investigat­ion at the same time he was being considered for a senior position in the Trump Justice Department, totally blinded to the obvious conflict of interest.”

A yes vote was to confirm Benczkowsk­i.


Voting yes: Tom Cotton, R, John Boozman, R


Voting yes: John Cornyn, R, Ted Cruz, R


By a vote of 88 for and 11 against, the Senate on July 11 adopted a nonbinding motion asserting Congress “should have a role” in U.S. trade policies implemente­d under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act, which qualifies national security as a basis for imposing tariffs on imports. In recent weeks, President Trump has cited Section 232 in slapping tariffs on products from trading partners including China, Canada, Mexico and the European Union.

Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., said, “these tariffs are a big mistake. Using national security as an excuse to impose them is an even bigger mistake. Tariffs are taxes. They raise the price of what we buy and sell. Tariffs reduce revenues, profits, wages and jobs.”

Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, voted for the motion but said, “I strongly support (steel tariffs) because thousands of steelworke­rs across the country have lost their jobs due to Chinese steel overcapaci­ty. Tough trade enforcemen­t against China cheating has long been overdue.”

No senator spoke against the measure.

A yes vote was to rebuke President Trump over his tariffs policy.


Voting yes: Cotton, Boozman


Voting yes: Cornyn, Cruz


The Senate will conduct votes on judicial and executive-branch nominees in the week of July 16, while the House schedule was to be announced.

 ??  ?? WESTERMANR-Ark.
 ??  ?? BOOZMANR-Ark.
 ??  ?? COTTONR-Ark.
 ??  ?? CORNYNR-Texas
 ??  ?? CRUZR-Texas
 ??  ?? RATCLIFFER-Texas
 ??  ?? GOHMERTR-Texas

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