Texarkana Gazette

Police changing lineups to avoid false IDs,

- By Michael Ollove Stateline.org

WASHINGTON—After nearly 38 years, on Jan. 30 Malcolm Alexander walked away from a place he never should have been to begin with: the Louisiana State Penitentia­ry at Angola.

Earlier that day, a Jefferson Parish judge had tossed out Alexander’s conviction, partly in response to new DNA evidence proving that Alexander could not have been the armed man who in 1979 raped a 39-year-old woman in her antique shop bathroom.

Twenty-one when he was sentenced to life without parole, Alexander had been the victim of what the Innocence Project described as “a deeply flawed, unreliable identifica­tion procedure.”

The Innocence Project, whose advocacy led to Alexander’s release at age 58, said the flaws included interactio­ns with police officers that strengthen­ed the victim’s initial “tentative” identifica­tion of Alexander in a police lineup into one of certainty by the time she testified at the trial nearly a year later.

Alexander’s wrongful conviction helped convince Louisiana lawmakers to join a growing list of states in taking steps to prevent eyewitness­es from being swayed by police or other influences. Among the changes Louisiana enacted earlier this year is requiring police to use “double-blind” lineups, in which the officer conducting the lineup doesn’t know who the suspect is. Other changes are intended to reduce the chance that witnesses will make identifica­tions through guesswork or deduction or to please police investigat­ors.

Although research has long demonstrat­ed the unreliabil­ity of eyewitness identifica­tions, police agencies largely resisted making changes until DNA exoneratio­ns over the past three decades presented incontrove­rtible proof that the wrong person had been convicted, as was the case with Alexander.

The new policies, which have been adopted by police in half the states, largely grew out of research showing that traditiona­l police practices and cues often induced witnesses to identify the wrong suspect.

While some police organizati­ons resisted the new policies, calling them impractica­l and possibly costly, many police department­s, including those in Minneapoli­s and San Diego, adopted new eyewitness procedures without waiting for legislatio­n.

“There’s no question, we just didn’t know any better back then,” said William Brooks, chief of the Norwood (Massachuse­tts) Police Department and a member of the board of the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Chiefs of Police who has traveled extensivel­y around the nation to speak in favor of the changes.

The new policies do not address a long-noted weakness in eyewitness identifica­tion: Eyewitness­es are more likely to misidentif­y someone of a race other than their own. Though judges often instruct juries about the problem with cross-racial eyewitness identifica­tions, no one has figured out how to solve the problem.

“The goal,” said Rebecca Brown, policy director at the Innocence Project, “isn’t to pick someone, but to pick the right person.”

Researcher­s have been chroniclin­g the inaccuracy of eyewitness identifica­tion at least as far back as the 1930s. One theme in the scholarshi­p is that memory is not fixed. In the words of Brian Cutler, a prominent researcher into eyewitness identifica­tion at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, memory is “not like a tape recording.”

Often, witnesses do not remember events as they were. Their memories can be influenced by later stimuli, such as police body language during the lineup.

University of Alberta psychologi­st Gary Wells conducted a thorough review of the research on eyewitness testimony. In 1978, he published a seminal paper that showed the ways in which witness identifica­tion can be influenced by such factors as the way a police lineup is conducted, the instructio­ns given to a witness, and the behavior of officers in front of a witness.

At the time, Wells and fellow researcher­s in the field tried to get the attention of law enforcemen­t. It didn’t go well.

“We were largely ignored in the legal system,” said Wells, who is now at Iowa State University. Then, Wells said, it was the rare police department that even had formal procedures for conducting eyewitness identifica­tions. Lineups were conducted differentl­y from police department to police department, and even from investigat­or to investigat­or within the same department.

Even as scholarshi­p continued to hammer away at the fallacy of memory in identifica­tion, police procedures remained largely the same over the next decade. The first U.S. exoneratio­n by DNA evidence came in 1989, and the Innocence Project was founded in 1992. It has been especially prominent in using DNA to exonerate hundreds of people serving lengthy prison sentences.

The Innocence Project found that eyewitness misidentif­ications were a factor in 71 percent of the more than 350 wrongful conviction­s overturned by post-conviction DNA.

Another organizati­on that tracks wrongful conviction­s, the National Registry of Exoneratio­ns, which is run jointly by the University of California at Irvine and law schools at the University of Michigan and Michigan State University, found that mistaken identifica­tions were a factor in 29 percent of 2,245 exoneratio­ns since 1989.

The registry includes cases that do not involve DNA evidence and surveys a broader category of crimes than the Innocence Project, whose list of exoneratio­ns is heavily weighted toward homicides and sex crimes.

Janet Reno, the U.S. attorney general under President Bill Clinton, summoned Wells to Washington in the late ’90s to discuss his work. She appointed a task force that recommende­d a series of changes to police identifica­tion procedures. Wells traveled the country to police forces trying to sell the reforms. “It had almost no effect on anyone,” he said.

The problem, Wells said, is that most U.S. police agencies are local—independen­t of state and federal agencies. Few are interested in being told how to run their criminal investigat­ions.

New Jersey is different. Unlike other states, it has a unified, integrated law enforcemen­t system. The state attorney general is also the chief law enforcemen­t officer. Two decades ago, then-Attorney General John Farmer was upset by the revelation, based on DNA evidence, that a New Jersey man was wrongfully convicted of a 1992 rape after the victim misidentif­ied him as her assailant.

Farmer in 2001 ordered police department­s in the state to adopt new procedures for conducting lineups. Those requiremen­ts mirrored recommenda­tions from the Reno commission, the National Academy of Sciences and the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Chiefs of Police.

After New Jersey, progress by the states in adopting the reforms was fitful but steady. The pace has picked up considerab­ly since 2014, when the National Academy of Sciences released a report supporting the new policies, and the Innocence Project intensifie­d its advocacy of the changes. A dozen states have adopted the new policies in the last three years. Police in half the states now have the new policies in place.

The California House sent a bill to the Senate earlier this year. Iowa and New Mexico are expected to take up legislatio­n next year.

“The reality of witness identifica­tion is that it is one of the least-reliable pieces of evidence, and yet we put great weight on it,” said state Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat and sponsor of the California bill. “We’ve designed a system to encourage people to make inaccurate identifica­tions, and we should have a system that does everything in its power to get accuracy.”

 ?? Courtesy of the Innocence Project, New Orleans ?? ■ Malcolm Alexander hugs his niece in January after his release from the Louisiana State Penitentia­ry at Angola after nearly 38 years. DNA evidence proved his innocence after he was wrongly convicted of rape in part because of an eyewitness misidentif­ication.
Courtesy of the Innocence Project, New Orleans ■ Malcolm Alexander hugs his niece in January after his release from the Louisiana State Penitentia­ry at Angola after nearly 38 years. DNA evidence proved his innocence after he was wrongly convicted of rape in part because of an eyewitness misidentif­ication.

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