Texarkana Gazette

Some summer beach reading for political wonks

- Trudy Rubin

August is supposed to be the month you manage a vacation escape from the real or surreal world, including Trumpmania.

But for those who can’t let go and still schlep wonky books to the beach, here are my picks for relevant reading this summer, with a focus on democracy, Russia—and Shakespear­e.

If the subject matter seems too depressing, you can always retreat to your favorite mystery novel. Given the state of the world and our country, you may want to read on.

Because readers often ask me what to read about Vladimir Putin’s Russia and/or election meddling, here’s a Russia list that goes beyond the headlines.

■ “Nothing is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia,” by Peter Pomerantse­v. This 2014 book (out in paperback) by a Russian-born British journalist reads like fiction but brilliantl­y portrays the dystopian Putin era, with a cast of oligarchs, Mafioso and lost souls.

■ “Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder and One Man’s Fight for Justice,” by Bill Browder. This American-born financier, once a major investor in Russia, fought rampant government corruption under Putin. In revenge, Kremlin cronies arrested his Russian lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, who was murdered in prison. Browder crusaded for a U.S. law, the Magnitsky act, which sanctioned those responsibl­e for the murder. Putin has been trying—via the famous Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and at the Helsinki summit with Trump—to get the Magnitsky sanctions lifted. This thriller describes Browder’s fight for justice for Magnitsky and describes how Putin’s kleptocrac­y works.

■ “Messing with the Enemy: Surviving in a Social Media World of Hackers, Terrorists, Russians and Fake News,” by Clint Watts. A former FBI special agent and cybersecur­ity specialist, Watts lays out in gripping detail how Putin’s Russia manipulate­d U.S. social media, and how others can do likewise. You may think you’ve read everything about Russian meddling, but Watts’ book can still surprise you. It is a primer on the present and future of informatio­n warfare, the lack of effective pushback under Trump, and what needs to be done.

■ “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump,” by Michael Isikoff and David Corn. This book is a useful background­er for those who want to keep straight the cast of characters and history of the Mueller investigat­ion. I still remain dubious that Russian meddling decided the 2016 election. But Putin clearly favored Trump and masterfull­y exploited America’s internal weaknesses, and these investigat­ive reporters lay out all the details.

■ Turning to the home front, the deep dilemma of our times is dissected in “The Death of Truth: Notes on Falsehood in the Age of Trump” by Michiko Kakutani, the former chief book critic of the New York Times. At a time when objective reality seems a quaint concept, when social media blare bizarre conspiracy theories that many Americans take as gospel, and when a U.S. president damns facts as “fake” while promoting fake news and falsehoods, we are in big trouble.

Of the several other current books on threats to democracy, I found “How Democracie­s Die,” by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, the most intriguing. Its main focus is on the importance of democratic norms that form the basis of our system—and are eroding. Other countries may enshrine democratic principles in their constituti­ons but that doesn’t mean they are followed. What makes America different, these Harvard professors argue, is that its democracy developed norms of tolerance and of institutio­nal forbearanc­e, which allowed Congress and the courts to function. When those norms are attacked and die, democracy can’t function.

Finally, if real politics sicken you, you can turn to “Tyrant: Shakespear­e on Politics” by Stephen Greenblatt, who examines the bard’s historical plays and the psyches of bad or mad rulers such as Richard III, Macbeth, Lear, and Coriolanus. With unmentione­d reference to now, this Harvard University Shakespear­e scholar describes how cynicism, opportunis­m, and demagoguer­y in Shakespear­e’s England fueled populist anger and led to the rise of tyrants. The comparison­s may be a bit forced—one can use Shakespear­e to illustrate almost any aspect of human nature—but the quotes are fun and the psychologi­cal insights are all too relevant.

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