Texarkana Gazette




I am a concerned resident of Leggett Drive. We have five acres. Please do not vote to annex our neighborho­od. My husband and I are recently retired and our income is greatly reduced The added cost of city taxes, getting on city sewer and no longer being able to burn will be too expensive for us. Could you please table this motion for a year to give those affected time to get something on the ballot to be able to join with the rest of the state under the new law that requires a vote by the residents effected when a city wants to annex. If you do vote to annex, we want to be grandfathe­red in for burning and allow us to have cattle in our pasture. Marian Crowder Texarkana, Texas


We are writing to protest the Texarkana, Texas, City Council’s recent intent to annex seven areas into the city. My husband and I have lived here 46 years without being in the city and would like to continue to do so. Having our taxes go up is an added expense and will put a burden on our budget since we are retired. We cannot burn and will have to pay someone to haul our leaves and tree limbs to the landfill, adding yet another expense. The cost of adding on to water and sewer will be thousands of dollars for services we do not need. Is it right? Is it fiscally responsibl­e? Is it socially responsibl­e? The answer is no. Where is our right to vote? Is it still a fundamenta­l American right? Involuntar­y annexation is an unjust exercise of government. Jerry and Jo Ann Lorance

Texarkana, Texas

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