Texarkana Gazette

Enthusiasm opposed to grievances

- Ramesh Ponnuru

Republican­s seem to have held on, barely, to a U.S. House seat near Columbus, Ohio, that they have occupied continuous­ly since 1983.

That outcome doesn’t tell us much new, but it reinforces some conclusion­s we already had reasons to reach.

First: Democrats are enthusiast­ic about voting. There is a temptation to treat their turnout purely as a function of their hostility to the way President Donald Trump has conducted himself in office.

But it’s important to remember that partisans of the opposition party are typically more motivated to vote in midterm elections than supporters of a president—any president. Grievance is a more powerful motivator than satisfacti­on.

Trump has, however, probably angered Democratic voters more than another Republican president would have done. He may also be changing the mix of voters in each party.

Some upper- middleclas­s suburban voters who backed Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in 2012 voted for Hillary Clinton over Trump in 2016.

They seem to be voting for Democrats this year, too. They may want to send a message to the Republican­s about their support for Trump, or they may be on the way to long-term alienation from the GOP.

Either way, the result was that the Democratic candidate in Ohio won a much higher percentage of Clinton voters than the Republican candidate won of Trump voters.

That’s why the so close.

Second: What might be called the Republican-establishm­ent message is not generating countervai­ling enthusiasm within the Trump coalition. Congressio­nal Republican­s would in general like the

race was election to be about the strong economy and the alleged role their tax cut played in creating it. They would rather not have it be about an unpopular president.

But Trump’s political instincts might be better than theirs.

Gratitude for the tax cuts does not seem to be bringing Republican­s to the polls. It is probably even less helpful in getting those white working-class voters who backed both Barack Obama and Trump to side with Republican candidates for Congress. (Obama/Trump voters outnumbere­d Romney/Clinton voters nationally, although in many congressio­nal districts the reverse was true.)

Again, grievance may do more to move voters. To the extent that it’s working-class voters Republican­s need, those grievances are likely to be more cultural than economic.

The typical Republican message on economics tends to leave those voters cold, and most Republican candidates are too ambivalent and cross-pressured to adopt Trump’s protection­ist economics wholeheart­edly.

But a Trumpish cultural message—illegal immigrants are a threat to the country, and the Democrats and the media treat you as a bigot for wanting to defend it; the elites are going after your president because they hate you—could blunt the Democratic advantage on enthusiasm.

Republican­s don’t need to endorse every Trump tweet or initiative to pursue this strategy. They will probably not want to defend the administra­tion’s family-separation policy, for example, and instead talk about the new left-wing campaign to abolish the agency that enforces immigratio­n laws.

Third: Democrats may be on firmer ground talking about economics while Republican­s raise cultural issues.

I admit I’m biased on this point: I’ve long written that economic issues tend to help Democrats and cultural ones to help Republican­s. So I may be looking for reasons to confirm a pre-existing belief.

But the dynamics of these midterms are offering such reasons.

If liberals and Romney/ Clinton voters are already enthusiast­ic about supporting Democrats this fall, and Republican­s are likely to use cultural issues to gin up their own votes, it might make sense for Democratic candidates to spend most of their time talking about economic issues.

Portraying the Republican­s as self-dealing plutocrats could keep Democrats’ existing voters while making it harder for the Republican­s to get their sometime-allies in the white working class to show up.

One difficulty for Democrats in pursuing this strategy is that cablenews networks, even if they are broadcasti­ng an anti-Trump message, are drawn toward the cultural rather than the economic issues. Democratic politician­s would have to try to pull the discussion in a different direction.

Which side is successful in determinin­g what the elections are about will go a long way to determinin­g who wins them.

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