Texarkana Gazette

Good and Evil

Satanist statue’s appearance at Arkansas capitol mercifully brief


Agroup of satanists parked a statue of a pagan idol outside the Arkansas State Capitol last week and caused quite a stir. We’ve seen numerous comments on social media protesting the statue—as could well be expected. And some seem to think it’s going to be a permanent fixture on the statehouse lawn.

Time to relax. The statue of the occult deity called Baphomet was on a truck and only at the capitol for a short time on Thursday as part of a free speech rally protesting the permanent—and recently replaced after an Oklahoma man battered it down last summer with his truck—Ten Commandmen­ts monument.

Members of something called the Satanic Temple apparently drive the thing around to protest religious symbolism on public property. Their point is that if you allow one religion to put up a statue or some other marker, you should open the doors to all religions to do the same. Somehow we don’t see that happening.

In any case, nothing to worry at the moment. Baphomet is gone from the capitol grounds and the Ten Commandmen­ts remain at least for now—there is a lawsuit pending to have the monument removed.

One can argue whether or not religious symbols such as the Ten Commandmen­ts belong on public land. But there is no doubt the Commandmen­ts stand for good, the satanists’ idol does not.

And for now good is winning.

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