Texarkana Gazette

Holiday Travel

- The Mini Page® © 2018 Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n Based on materials originally produced and/or created by Betty Debnam.

Will your family travel away from home for Thanksgivi­ng? Many people drive or fly to see family members during this special holiday.

This week, The Mini Page gives you some tips on how to be a good traveler and a courteous guest.

Getting ready to go

Preparing for a trip takes a lot of work! You can help your family by thinking ahead about what you’ll need while you’re gone.

Make a list of the things you want to take in the car or on the airplane. Your list might include:

• books to read or puzzles to do

• a video game player and games

• a favorite stuffed animal

• music to listen to

• playing cards and art supplies

• snacks • a camera

Be a good traveler

Most people travel by car during the holidays. But the number of people flying increases by about 50 percent.

Whether you’re driving or flying, traveling at the holidays can be stressful for adults. You can help by following these tips:

At the airport:

• Stay close to your parents. Listen to their instructio­ns about going through security and boarding the plane.

• Keep your toys and other items in your bag. Take out just one thing at a time, and put it away when you’re finished with it.

• Play or read quietly while you’re waiting.

• Be patient! Lines can be long at airports, especially during holiday travel times.

In the car:

• Experts agree that kids are safest when riding in the back seat. Make sure you’re using a child safety seat or seatbelt that’s right for your size.

• Keep your bag of toys and games nearby so that you can reach it without help. When you pull out something new, put away whatever you’ve been using.

• Talk quietly so you won’t bother the driver.

• Listen to music or video games through headphones so the driver won’t be distracted. Remember to keep the volume low.

At the hotel:

If you’ll stay in a hotel or motel while you’re traveling, remember these ideas for being a considerat­e guest:

• Shhhhhhh! Hotel and motel walls can be thin, and some people are trying to sleep. Be quiet when you’re in the hallways. Don’t jump on the beds or the floor in your room. Use soft voices when talking or playing.

• Stay with a parent. Don’t leave your room without your parents’ permission.

• Close doors carefully instead of letting them slam.

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