Texarkana Gazette

Settlement reached in infamous ‘Norfolk Four’ case

- By Alan Suderman and Alanna Durkin Richer

RICHMOND, Va.—The city of Norfolk has agreed to pay $4.9 million to four former sailors who were wrongly convicted of a woman’s rape and murder based on intimidati­ng police interrogat­ions. A copy of the settlement agreement for the “Norfolk Four” was obtained by The Associated Press.

The state also has agreed to pay $3.5 million.

The payments close out a decades-long case that drew widespread attention as the men’s innocence claims were backed by dozens of former FBI agents, ex-prosecutor­s and crime novelist John Grisham.

“These guys can now put all this behind them and try to recoup their lives,” said Tony Troy, a lawyer who represente­d one of the sailors.

The men—Eric Wilson, Danial Williams, Joseph Dick and Derek Tice— were pardoned by then-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe last year of the 1997 rape and murder of Michelle Moore-Bosko.

Moore-Bosko’s husband found her stabbed and strangled body in their apartment in July of that year after returning from a week at sea.

Williams, who lived in the same building, was quickly identified as a suspect because a neighbor told police he had a crush on the victim. Williams admitted to her rape and murder—the first of a series of confession­s that the men, then-sailors at the Naval base in Norfolk, say were forced by police.

DNA evidence matched only one person: Omar Ballard, the fifth man convicted in the case. Ballard, who pleaded guilty in 2000, acknowledg­ed he was solely responsibl­e and is serving a life sentence.

The Norfolk Four have said they cracked after they were threatened with the death penalty and repeatedly called liars. One of the men recalled a detective shoving him into a corner and showing him a picture of Moore-Bosko’s bloody body. The confession­s conflicted with one another. Ballard’s account was the only one containing informatio­n matching the crime scene.

The detective who questioned them, Robert Glenn Ford, was convicted in 2011 of extortion and lying to the FBI in unrelated cases.

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