Texarkana Gazette

Lawmakers, experts raise questions about Ratcliffe’s qualificat­ions

- By Eric Tucker, Mary Clare Jalonick and Deb Riechmann

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump’s pick for national intelligen­ce director has been mayor of a small Texas city, a federal prosecutor and a member of Congress. But questions were already emerging Monday about whether those qualificat­ions are adequate for the position as the nation confronts threats that include foreign election interferen­ce, North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and the risk of war with Iran.

Rep. John Ratcliffe is also known as a Trump loyalist, which makes his lack of relevant experience even more striking at a time when current and former government officials expect Russia to interfere in the 2020 presidenti­al election just as it did in unpreceden­ted fashion when Trump first ran.

“Ratcliffe comes to the job with the least national security experience and the most partisan political experience of any previous director of national intelligen­ce,” said Michael Morell, a former acting CIA director who now hosts the “Intelligen­ce Matters” podcast.

The director of national intelligen­ce has oversight of the nation’s 17 intelligen­ce agencies, a significan­t job touching all corners of national security policymaki­ng. If confirmed, Ratcliffe would be the principal intelligen­ce adviser to Trump, who has appeared determined to surround himself with protectors and defenders even in national security positions that haven’t historical­ly been perceived as overtly partisan.

It is unclear what specific experience Ratcliffe will bring in helping thwart foreign government efforts to interfere in American politics. Also unknown is whether skepticism he has voiced in Congress about special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign will affect his preparatio­n for, or response to, any foreign influence or cyberattac­ks on campaigns.

Ratcliffe, who was among the most aggressive Republican questioner­s of Mueller at public hearings last week, would replace outgoing director Dan Coats at a time of broader reshufflin­g within the national security leadership structure.

The selection comes months after Trump empowered another ally, Attorney General William Barr, to disclose still-secret intelligen­ce collected by other agencies, including the CIA, during the Russia investigat­ion. Ratcliffe has made clear his skepticism of that investigat­ion and his belief that Trump was treated improperly by investigat­ors, saying in a talk show appearance Sunday that it was time to move on from discussion of impeachmen­t.

“It’s a moment when Donald Trump can deepen his personal strangleho­ld over the intelligen­ce function and knock out any voices of dissent to his particular world view,” said Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland. “That’s a scary thing for the country.”

Coats, who will step down next month, repeatedly clashed with Trump.

He was publicly steadfast about his conviction that Russia had interfered in the election even in the face of the president’s ambivalenc­e. He appeared to scoff when told in an interview that Trump had invited Putin to Washington. In his resignatio­n letter, he cited as an accomplish­ment the appointmen­t of an election security executive “to support the whole-of-government effort to address threats against our election.”

Tensions with Trump notwithsta­nding, Coats did bring to the job decades of Washington experience, including lengthy stints as an Indiana congressma­n and U.S. ambassador to Germany. His predecesso­r in the Obama administra­tion, James Clapper, spent decades in the military and in intelligen­ce, including as director of the Defense Intelligen­ce Agency.

Ratcliffe does not have equivalent credential­s, though his supporters are likely to point to his experience as a terrorism prosecutor and federal prosecutor, as well as his recent membership on the House intelligen­ce committee, which he joined in January.

First elected to Congress in 2014, Ratcliffe’s experience as top federal prosecutor in east Texas gave him instant clout when Republican­s ran the Judiciary panel. He was one of the main questioner­s when Republican­s hauled in Justice Department officials to question them about whether they were biased against Trump in the early days of the FBI’s Russia probe.

It’s unclear whether concerns about his credential­s will trip up the confirmati­on process. Confirmati­on takes a simple 51-vote majority, under new rules in the Senate, but that leaves slim room for error with Republican­s holding a 53-seat majority.

Sen. Richard Burr, the Republican chairman of the Senate intelligen­ce committee, said Monday that he would move swiftly to push the nomination through his panel. “I don’t have any concerns,” he told reporters.

Several Republican­s on the intelligen­ce panel said they didn’t know Ratcliffe and would wait to meet with him. “I’m open on this,” said Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt.

Maine Sen. Susan Collins, a critical swing vote for the GOP who sits on the panel, said the job is very important to her because she co-wrote the legislatio­n that created it 15 years ago. She said she had never heard of Ratcliffe before last week, so she couldn’t comment on his qualificat­ions, but she said she cares deeply “about having an independen­t, well-qualified individual in that post.”

Republican Sen. John Cornyn, another member of the committee, said his Texas colleague is a “tremendous human being” and said he is “confident he can rise to the challenge.”

Democrats were immediatel­y critical. The committee’s top Democrat, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, said Ratcliffe’s questionin­g at the Mueller hearings “raises huge questions in my mind” about his ability to be independen­t.

Even before Mueller testified, Trump had his eye on Ratcliffe, who had already establishe­d himself as an outspoken defender of the president and raised Trump-backed questions about the conduct of the intelligen­ce community in the Russia probe. But two officials said his aggressive questionin­g of the former special counsel cemented the president’s view that he was the right person for the job.

 ?? J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press ?? ■ U.S. Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, a member of the House Intelligen­ce Committee, questions former special counsel Robert Mueller on July 24 as he testifies to the House Intelligen­ce Committee about his investigat­ion into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election, on Capitol Hill in Washington. President Donald Trump announced Sunday that he will nominate Rep. Ratcliffe to replace Director of National Intelligen­ce Dan Coats, who is leaving his job next month.
J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press ■ U.S. Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, a member of the House Intelligen­ce Committee, questions former special counsel Robert Mueller on July 24 as he testifies to the House Intelligen­ce Committee about his investigat­ion into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election, on Capitol Hill in Washington. President Donald Trump announced Sunday that he will nominate Rep. Ratcliffe to replace Director of National Intelligen­ce Dan Coats, who is leaving his job next month.

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