Texarkana Gazette

What happened to the America that I knew?

- Ben Scharnberg GUEST COLUMNIST

The America I grew up in was built on four fundamenta­l beliefs:

1. Our faith in God and His son Jesus Christ

2. Our love of family

3. Our love of country, and 4 Our educationa­l system and the purpose it serves.

Let’s take No. 1: Our Christian faith is under attack! Today, it seems that people can read and interpret the Bible any way they choose. I was taught by two wonderful parents that the Good Book has no gray area. It is simply black and white. What is written is to be followed. Our faith in God always came first in our family. The heart and sacrifice of Jesus Christ is what gave each of us the opportunit­y to become that leader of men, a productive person and to glorify our God. Is that not our purpose?

Look at No. 2: The family structure was always the strength of our country! Today, a large portion of our families are completely dysfunctio­nal. So many children are being born out of lust instead of passion and commitment. Today, so many are simply recognized as a government paycheck or a burden. I often wonder if these so-called adults even know what causes the miracle of life. It is truly a shame that it has become a way to profit for people instead of the joy of a parent being responsibl­e for the life and well-being of a miracle of God. In our family we were taught the meanings of respect, heart, character, great work ethic, what it means to be self-sufficient, to dream and set goals that you strive to achieve, and never do anything to embarrass your family name. But then we had two loving parents, meaning a father and mother. There were very few deadbeat fathers. And grandparen­ts did not raise their children’s children unless there were serious problems. Simply look at the rate of children being born out of wedlock and the divorce rate in this country.

Look at No. 3: When you spoke of America back in my day, the one word that would come to mind would be “pride.” We were taught what it meant to be proud of the greatest country on the face of God’s planet. To honor the many who gave so much that we might live in a free country. As Americans we were taught that we had the responsibi­lity of making this country better than when we became a part of it. That has changed dramatical­ly. We have created a country of handouts. A large part of our population does not want to work or be productive citizens anymore. They simply sit back, whine, moan and complain about what they think should be given to them for doing nothing. Our political leaders have completely forgotten that their job is to do what it takes to make this country even better each and every day. They represent the people, not themselves. The parties in this country no longer work together. Their goals are to tell the folks what they want to hear instead of what is right. They have allowed political correctnes­s to kill us. It’s all about the votes and money. Close our borders and those already here should become Americans in thought and in our ways, or simply go back where they came from. Let’s simply make America great again! I don’t care who’s at the helm. Just give me leaders who care about this country. Just open your eyes and look around and see what is happening to this great nation. And oh, by the way, if you want to change this, get off your lazy butts and vote for what your conscience tells you. Don’t listen to either political party, just vote for what’s right. You decide. Don’t be brainwashe­d.

Finally No. 4: This one is dear to me. After 44 years in this business, I can tell you that our public educationa­l system is breaking down. I can’t tell you that our kiddos are being taught much at home or that they are going to church on Sundays. So that is why our school system is so important. Schools should be teaching their students about the values of life through the basics of learning. We now teach to a test that serves little purpose. Our children are struggling to read, write, spell, do basic math, develop common sense and to learn the meaning of responsibi­lity. We are being told, in so many words, not to hurt their self-esteem and try not to hold their feet to the fire. Accountabi­lity and respect are almost out the door. Our purpose is to educate our children and to put productive people on the streets of this country. Let our teachers teach their subject matter and test at the end of a hard year. Just maybe you will see an improvemen­t. Why do you think private schools are on the rise? I believe we are better off in Texas than in most states. But that does not mean we shouldn’t strive to improve. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. In closing, to the Texas Educationa­l Agency, why not wise up and stop paying all this money on things that simply look good to the public but do not work efficientl­y? Allocate monies to each district and let them educate their children. Just maybe you will see an improvemen­t.

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