Texarkana Gazette

Residents air views on proposed TC tax increase


Last week’s Friday Poll question was about Texarkana College’s proposed tax increase. Are you in favor of the tax increase for TC? Or are you opposed?

Senior Citizens in Bowie County will not be affected by the TC tax increase if they have checked the box on the Bowie Central Appraisal Exemption Form showing they are age 65. This will FREEZE property taxes and allow for a $5,000 exemption. Check this box AND the Homestead Exemption! — S.I., Texarkana, Texas

My husband and I support the tax increase. We both attended TC as young adults and regret the misinforma­tion being disseminat­ed on social media and print. — S.N., Texarkana, Texas

I voted to help TC out with what I thought was a one time deal. I feel stabbed in the back by them! If I got the chance to vote on it this time, they would be out of luck. I do not support any tax increases for TC! — E.T., Hooks, Texas

No sir, I don’t think they should. if I remember correctly, last time a lot of the Instructor­s got a raise. To me, that is not what any tax Increase is about. — B.J., Texarkana, Texas

Texarkana College has been increasing tax millage for last few years. Last year’s rate was suppose to drop back a few millage points. They passed to keep the same rate as the year before which was a little higher millage. Now TC wants another increase. About 5 years ago, they were comparing their rate with Tyler Junior College and Kilgore Community College. They have sports programs and dance programs, so I do not see how TC would compare tax rates with these two community colleges. Think we need to do a Freedom of Informatio­n on the folks running TC to see if they have received raises and bonuses during last few years. — M.Y., Texarkana, Texas

Failing college? TC ranks highest in the state for graduation rates. If you REALLY cared about how TC uses your tax dollars, you’d have showed up at board meetings and learned about what actually happens there and how Texas community colleges are funded long before this tax increase was proposed. — R.W., Texarkana, Texas

No matter how much more money we throw into a dysfunctio­nal educationa­l system, quality will not improve until we completely reform it. Fix the system and I am for investing as much money as necessary for good education. Until then, more money will only prop up a failing system. — R.W., Texarkana, Texas

As a single mother of two boys with no outside support, I work full-time just to pay the bills and taxes we currently have. I am greatly opposed to additional taxes, as I do not have additional income to dish out for them. I have to manage with the resources I have. They should too. — S.W., Texarkana, Texas

Texarkana College received a tremendous gift when they were allowed to tax every property owner in Bowie County. This was a large amount of money, now they want more. Local people are already complainin­g about high rent. Now rents will go up to cover this new tax. Enough is enough! — D.R., Texarkana, Texas

I am opposed to proposals for raising property taxes by all entities for generating revenue for their use. TC, Commission­er Court, school districts have presented proposals. I say no to raising the property taxes. We’re taxed enough already. — B.D., New Boston, Texas

From www.facebook.com/texarkanag­azette

(EDITOR’S NOTE: In addition to the longer comments below, there were 126 short comments stating opposition to the tax and one in support.)

■ Yes. They need to spend their money more wisely. They recently awarded a bid on a project. Bid went to highest bidder. Not smart considerin­g one of the low bidders has done work on the school and supposedly did a great job.

■ Give them more, and they’ll keep wanting more.

■ I’m all for it as long as it doesn’t cost me anything.

■ No, I am not in favor of a tax increase. The college should operate within their means just as tax payer do.

■ My question for them is “how much is going to be enough?” We have seen small but consistent rate increase since it was voted in. What is their goal that they want to be at. Without knowing this the taxpayer is kind of like the frog in a pot of boiling water. You turn the heat up so slowly he doesn’t jump out until he’s boiling.

■ As a Bowie County homeowner, I am against any property tax increase. I look forward to voting against the tax increase.

■ Not in favor. If you couldn’t afford the improvemen­ts you shouldn’t have done them. I agree with operating within your means. The board shouldn’t be the one that gets to make the vote. It should be the county citizens and the people paying the tax. I vote NO!

■ Can’t they raise the tax without going to the public for a vote?

■ As a senior that increase could be the few dollars needed for bread! They are pushing this down on the county. It’s Texarkana College you pay for it. They are asking for maximum they can raise them without our vote! Gov. Abbot recommends no more than 2.5% and that will be the law after January 1st. They are being greedy jumping ahead of this rate while they can. I say no to seniors especially who do not get that high a raise in their income! If we are forced to live on what we get how can you ask for more! Sneaky greed. I say you guys donate the money to your college out of your income not mine!

■ It’s unconstitu­tional. Taxation without representa­tion

■ No and I do wonder if this can be done without the public voting on it.?

■ Is that not a private college?

■ Nothing wrong with more taxes, just make sure it’s the more wealthy paying for it.

■ I do not think that taxpayers who DO NOT live in the city limits should be taxed.

■ NO! People are losing their long time paid for homes because they can no longer afford the property tax burden assessed in the state of Texas. These increases are hurting people that have no way to raise their income like the local taxing entities do.

■ The county just increased the value of our homes and now the college wants even more. I vote NO.

■ TC’s positive influence on our community far exceeds Texarkana and even Bowie County. I’m happy to support TC!

■ Against. Let the people vote. A tax increase every year becomes burdensome.

■ No. Real estate taxes already too high. There should be votes about lowering taxes, not raising them.

■ The college needs to learn how to manage their own money quit relying on everybody to bail them out of there foolishnes­s!

■ Against, it’s not fair to home owners. Students should pay for their secondary education.

■ My hometown prided itself on never having turned down an education bond election or millage (tax) increase for schools. 80% of high school graduates went on to higher education/technical schooling. Moving here makes me feel like I fell down the rabbit hole. I don’t understand people who do not value education enough to tax themselves to support everyone’s children.

■ Why is it always homeowners who pay the bill? How about an increase in sales tax where everyone helps pay?

■ Totally against the increase! You say by $10 or so but that won’t be case. My daughter went there and graduated and I think it’s a great school and great asset for our community but I feel we are taxed to death!

■ I have loans on my house and car. TC won’t help me pay them back. It is a business. They don’t know how to manage money. Cut jobs, bogus programs, and pay if need be. But taxation without representa­tion is just theft. We get nothing for our money except higher taxes again. I do not live in Texarkana and my kids never went to that junior college. In do not want to pay for anybody else’s kids to go.

■ And the meetings need to be when real working people can attend. Having one during working hours is just a sham.

■ Not in favor of increase and would like to see a recall election to recall this tax if possible

■ Opposed! You don’t take on debt without a repayment plan ahead!

■ Opposed. Someone in favor on another site said even seniors could afford this tax with their COLA increase for SSI. There is no guarantee that seniors get this each year. When we do or don’t we still have increases in Medicare deductible­s, Part B premiums which normally offsets our COLA. Plus utilities, food, meds go up. If money is needed cut salaries by 10% or initiate a sale tax that would be fair for all. TC needs to live within their means just like the taxpayers do.

■ Once upon a time … I was a new student at TC. I am so thankful that we had TC in our community! Many local residents got their start at TC. An educated workforce is a bonus for any community! The small increase in taxes is worth every penny! Would you rather use your tax dollars for education or prisons? I’ll pick college! I hope that the 35 years I have spent as an educator has helped repay the community that helped fund TC!

n Oppose. Maybe take some pointers from Texas A&M since they manage just fine w/o any assistance

■ So they can’t have a meeting at night when real tax payer can show up. When will Arkansas and Oklahoma pay?

■ I am a proud alumni of Texarkana College … but I also do not support additional property tax increases. If I remember correctly, we were told when the “in district” area was expanded several years ago that taxes would not be increased. Hmmm?!

■ Opposed. They went from a small area to the whole county. Make a budget and stick to it.

■ Consolidat­e with A&M. Done.

■ Wasn’t there a tax increase for the college in the past year or two?

■ I am totally against it so it’s a NO for me. $10 this year $10 next year, $20 the next. Anyone else see how this adds up over time. Find another way to keep it going or let it sink.

■ Opposed when the only benefit to the community is that they stay open. Maybe offer free tuition to Texarkana, Texas, residents since they will be ones footing the bill to educate the rest of the Ark-La-Tex.

■ I don’t see why we should have to pay this tax in the first place. We have no one attending or ever will attend this school. We have to pay school taxes and have no children!

■ I say no to increased taxes! We are retired and can not afford more taxes! TC is obviously not managing their funds well.

■ It’s not the $10. I believe we are already taxed to the max. They should have to live on a budget like regular people. I’m voting no.

■ When TC expanded and took in the whole county, they got a huge increase in taxes that occur EVERY YEAR. What is happening to that money? Absolutely no to any increase in taxes. It’s time you learn to manage with what you have, which is what the taxpayers have to do.

■ Now if the people inside Texarkana want to support it that’s great but the people outside of Texarkana should not be paying for it in the first place.

■ Opposed! I am nearing retirement, my youngest is long out of school age. Tuition should be enough to sustain this institutio­n, period. Do not raise my taxes or I’ll have to move out of the area, period.

■ We should all refuse to pay it period. I mean it’s an illegal tax to begin with so what could they do. I say close the money pit up.

■ You guys voted the original taxation, now deal with it. Your bad!

■ So the initial Bowie county election was 14,345 for the tax increase and 11,082 against. I bet it wouldn’t pass again. That election brought an additional 3.5 million dollars to Texarkana College. So they received that much money and want more?

■ They expect students to repay their student loan debts, so how is it that the administra­tion can take out a loan without the means to repay it? And they are supposed to be teaching us how to be financiall­y sound! They make plenty off of the tuition and the books. I vote no increase!

■ n No to the increase … Stay within your means and quit being greedy wanting more! Opposed

■ Opposed. It will never stop. When this was on the ballot, people saw the “support the college” signs and voted for something they had no clue about. Suck it up and practice sound management practices. Do with what you have. But, that’s wishful thinking. The increase is going to pass, and then we’ll wait on the next one.

■ Do we elect these people that are trying to raise our taxes? They don’t represent us! How can this be legal?

■ No. Increase tuition or take money from the head guys in charge who are over paid.

■ No more hike in taxes! Seniors can’t afford it!

■ When I went to TC the “district” was tiny and even though I lived just a few miles away in an apartment on Summerhill Road I was out of district and had to pay higher tuition. Now I get to pay taxes for TC and I don’t even live in Texarkana anymore. No, thanks. I pay them enough.

■ I am opposed. The people running the school should be managing the college within the budget. They raised our taxes and increased the number of people having to pay the taxes and they still are overspendi­ng. A successful manager either runs the business within budget or isn’t worth his/her salary. Do the job or get out of the way so someone that understand­s their accountabi­lity requiremen­ts can. Only ignorance pays people to perform poorly.

■ If you raise the taxes at least drop the prices for college, like tuition! We help you then TC needs to help us!

■ Does anyone know what the process would be to shrink the district back to it’s original size and have the tax removed? I voted against it before I would vote against it again.

■ Opposed, too much miss-managing

■ Let the students pay their own fees, our taxes are being abused enough.

■ Against! All you want is more money money money! Enough is enough!

■ Opposed big time. Taxes are draining us . For us senior citizens there should be a freeze on all school taxes like there is on property taxes

■ They need new management over the school. Maybe hire Donald Trump!!!

■ Raise tuition.

■ Opposed because I can barely pay my taxes now on my little fixed income.

■ Whatever … $10 increase for an entire year … I spend more than that on gas station junk food in a month

■ A community college can be a great asset to all who need or should be trained but can’t afford a four year college or beyond. It is an asset to middle income or blue collar workers. It is and will provide training for those who wish to improve their skills or work in industry. The tax increase will help the community by providing knowledge to improve a way of life and a better community. We all need to work to make the county the best in Texas.

■ They don’t need to raise nothing. They need manage their money better.

■ Opposed. My taxes are already high and I’m tired of paying for people to sit home on their couch and eat bonbons when I worked for my money. Property taxes hit folks that own property so yes these increases hit us. … So now we are expected to “fund” poor management and everyone’s bonuses and salary increases. The annex of half of Bowie County was insane.

■ The question I have for the administra­tors and board: Citizens of Bowie County subsidize the tuition of students. If you take the taxes contribute­d by Bowie County taxpayers and the hours taken by residents of Bowie County you have a tuition taxpayer subsidy per hour. Does the tuition charged to non-Bowie County residents cover the tuition subsidy? There is no reason Bowie County taxpayers should subsidize the cost of providing services to those in its college service area electing not to be taxed. I support the college, but have no interest in subsidizin­g residents of areas not subject to the tax.

■ I support it. $10 a year? That’s only 0.027¢ a day …

■ Only property owners will have to pay. Renters pay nothing but enjoy benefits.

■ Totally in favor. TC is an invaluable asset to this community. Compared to everything else, this is a bargain. And why complain about all of Bowie county being taxed. All of Bowie county has benefited greatly from the college and made it possible for thousands to attend college that couldn’t have afforded it otherwise. I’ve been paying the taxes for decades —before the county was. Originally the taxing district was only a two mile area around the college. The entire county should have always been paying the tax. Once again what you get for the money is a bargain. People are greedy and don’t want to help improve their community. Only take.

■ I love how they have the hearing when the average working person is working. I guess they don’t want opposition showing up. I am totally opposed to any tax increase for anything, operate within the tax rate you have. When property values go up and properties are developed you will receive more income, leave the tax rate alone.

■ We need a class action suit against TC. It’s enough!!!

■ Absolutely opposed! TC has mismanaged their funds for years! Taxpayers should not be saddled with funding a college that has proven itself to be unwilling and unable to operate within its budget. County officials need to be ready for a new job search-if they don’t stop this nonsensica­l robbery of the taxpayers

■ I have already documented my feelings about this matter. I do not support another tax increase. Keep in mind that proponents for the increase are trying to compare TC tuition to a 4-year college. If it just has to be compared to other colleges then it should be compared to other 2-year community colleges. There should also be an age limit to stop the senior citizens from paying school taxes until we drop.

■ Completely opposed to any more taxes. I have to live within my means and they should do the same.

■ People on a fixed income already have trouble paying there taxes.these tax hikes are running people out of there homes. My taxes are high enough

■ It’s like $9 a year and TC is very good for our area! If I still lived on the Texas side I would vote for it. I do agree that when a person hits social security retirement age all their taxes should be frozen though.

■ In my opinion, Bowie County homeowners who disagree with the property tax increase, and are not able to attend the meeting can contact Mr. Davis, Texarkana College President, Board of Trustees (903-223-3246 and 803-628-5571) and let him know your position on the matter. Mr. Davis’ business phone numbers are located online.

■ Maybe TC should think about pushing for private donors or ways to fund raise rather than raise taxes. Just an idea. I continue to say no new taxes. Not in favor.

■ I am opposed, sounds like the school needs to manage the money they already have better!

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