Texarkana Gazette

Phone call opens door to slaughter of Syrian Kurds

- Trudy Rubin

President Donald Trump’s betrayal of the Syrian Kurds, America’s key ally in the fight against ISIS, is his most ignorant and morally bankrupt foreign policy move — so far.

On Sunday, in another reckless phone call, Trump gave Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a green light to attack the Syrian Kurds, our most steadfast ally in the defeat of ISIS. The president then ordered the withdrawal of 50 U.S. troops from the Syrian border who acted as a preventive trip wire dissuading the Turks from invading.

Trump never consulted his own Pentagon or State Department or his Kurdish allies before this snap decision. By Wednesday, the Turks were bombarding Syrian Kurdish towns.

In one feckless move, Trump ensured the revival of ISIS, gifted Iran and Russia and warned off local forces anywhere from fighting alongside Americans in the future. Why would anyone trust America again after what Trump just did to the Kurds?

What was most stunning was Trump’s ignorance of the Kurds’ central role in defeating the ISIS caliphate, dismissing them as if they were bit players. It was the Kurds who did the heavy fighting in Syria, allied with Christian and some Sunni forces.

The 2,000 U.S. forces then in Syria acted in a critical support capacity, but not on the front lines. The Kurdishled force lost 11,000 men and women, while U.S. troops sustained only six fatalities.

If not for the Syrian Kurds, the caliphate would still exist — or America would have had to send in thousands more troops.

The betrayal of our Kurdish allies has so upset the U.S. military that just-retired Gen. Joseph Votel, former head of U.S. Central Command (including the Mideast), has gone public. Trump’s decision, he says, “threatens to undo five years’ worth of fighting against ISIS.”

Kurdish-led troops, backed by 1,000 remaining U.S. forces, have been preventing any ISIS revival until lagging internatio­nal talks finally stabilize the wreckage of post-civil war Syria. The Kurds — not U.S. soldiers — have also been guarding prison camps holding 10,000 ex-ISIS fighters and tens of thousands of ISIS wives and children.

But those Kurdish forces will now head for the Turkish border to protect their cities. This will leave huge swathes of Syria open to ISIS resurgence and prison camps without guards.

An ignorant Trump imagines Erdogan will keep ISIS down and manage those prison camps. “I told President Erdogan it’s going to be your responsibi­lity,” he said Monday. But Turkey has no interest in squeezing ISIS or managing ISIS prison camps. During the war against ISIS, Erdogan refused repeated requests from Washington to close his border to ISIS fighters, who moved back and forth freely.

The Turkish leader has made repeatedly clear he has only one reason for invading Syria — to act out Turkey’s historic enmity toward the Kurds.

Erdogan wants to establish a “so-called” safe zone inside Syria, 20 miles deep all along the Turkish border, which contains most of the Kurdish population. The Turkish leader will likely try to drive the Kurds from their heartland, as he did when Turkey invaded the Syrian Kurdish border town of Afrin in 2018. He will then replace the Kurds with Sunni Arab Syrian refugees, many of them Islamists. Hundreds of thousands of Kurds will be forced to flee into Iraq, becoming refugees.

The scenario is so ugly it has spurred a Republican backlash — including from many senators, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, ex-U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and even televangel­ist Pat Robertson.

Unless the GOP stands up to Trump, and Trump stands up to Erdogan — immediatel­y — that will be too little, too late.

But it is Trump who precipitat­ed this crisis, not Erdogan. And it is his Republican colleagues who still enable the feckless Trump behavior that led to this deadly debacle.

If our Kurdish allies are slaughtere­d, all of Trump’s GOP enablers will be complicit in their deaths.

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