Texarkana Gazette

Diet choices help prevent Alzheimer’s

- (c)2020 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. King Features Syndicate

Leonardo da Vinci, Mohandas Gandhi, George Bernard Shaw and the Nobel Prize-winning mathematic­ian Norbert Wiener all were vegetarian­s. Their genius was powered by plants! If you want to keep your brain sharp and avoid dementia, yours should be too. That’s the conclusion of researcher­s who studied the MIND — or Mediterran­ean-DASH Interventi­on for Neurodegen­erative Delay — diet.

The MIND diet calls for eating at least three servings of whole grains and at least one dark green leafy salad and one other vegetable daily, along with a glass of wine. Beans and legumes should be eaten at least every other day; poultry and berries, at least twice a week; fish once a week; and for snacks, go nuts (an ounce a day). The diet guidelines also say it’s equally important to avoid butter, cheese, fried or fast food and red meat. The diet allows less than a serving a week for them. We say NONE.

The researcher­s tracked almost 1,000 people ages 58 to 98 for four and a half years. They found that reliably sticking to the MIND diet reduced participan­ts’ risk of developing Alzheimer’s by 53%. It fell by 35% if they followed guidelines moderately well.

MIND reduces oxidative stress and inflammati­on, and the phytochemi­cals it contains may help prevent the buildup of beta-amyloid plaques, associated with Alzheimer’s. So if you mind developing dementia, adopt the MIND diet. For detailed info, check out “Dr. Oz Explains the MIND Diet” at doctoroz.com and follow the same basic advice in our book “YOU on a Diet.”

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