Texarkana Gazette

Be safe working with ladders this season

- Advice

Ladder safety? It’s so important this time of year. Whether you’re stringing lights around your home or topping the tree with a star, please be careful on the ladder. Here are some hints from the Occupa - t iona l Safety and Hea lth Ad m i n - istration (osha.gov), a division of the United States Department of Labor: Read the instructio­ns for the ladder and inspect it before mounting it. Use the ladder, whether step, straight or extension, on a dry, flat surface free of clutter. Never stand on the top rung of the ladder. Ensure the ladder’s locks are engaged before you climb it. Always keep three points on the ladder: two hands and a foot, or two feet and a hand.

Falls from ladders are a big cause of injuries. Be careful. — Heloise

Pet Pal

Dear Heloise: Meet Hizzy. Hizzy showed up in our backyard in September, a true “alley cat,” a very hungry kitten. Look closely at his feet, he has seven toes on one foot and six on the other — polydactyl kitty. A real pistol! — Brooke P.

Brooke, what a doll! Readers, to see Hizzy and our other Pet Pals, visit www.Heloise.com and click on “Pet of the Week.”

Do you have a funny and furry friend you’d like to share? It’s easy. Email a picture and descriptio­n to Heloise@Heloise.com. — Heloise

Pen In Pocket

Dear Heloise: I carry pens and pencils in a travel toothbrush holder to avoid stray marks in my bag. — Greta T. in Minnesota

Altenate Use?

Dear Heloise: My son can tend to get carsick at times. I carry dog waste bags with us in the car. They can come in handy. — Dan R. in Texas

Mirror Adjustment

Dear Readers: When coming out of the carwash, and before getting back on the road, be sure to double-check the rearview mirrors. They can get bumped during the wash process. — Heloise

Frame It Up

Dear Heloise: I frame my favorite old Christmas cards in different, pretty, colorful frames. It makes for a nice spread across the mantle. — Helen R. in Arizona

Smashing Trash

Dear Heloise: I keep a toilet plunger near my tall kitchen trash can. It works great for pushing the garbage down and making more room in the can. — Rita H., via email

Grossed Out

Dear Heloise: I enjoy watching cooking shows on TV, especially those that have amateurs or profession­als competing. However, it bothers me a great deal when I see these cooks touching their hair and then the food they are preparing. I’m hoping the producers of these programs will read your column. — Grossed Out in Colorado


Dear Readers: Remember your COVID protocol: Social distance, wear your mask, wash your hands, don’t go out if you don’t have to. We will get through this. Visit CDC.gov for more informatio­n. — Heloise

Picture Perfect

Dear Heloise: To decorate the rec room, I lined the walls with album covers — a true art form lost to digital downloadin­g. I use adjustable, reposition­able tape to adhere them to the wall. — Megan R. in Illinois

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise. com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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