Texarkana Gazette

D.C.’s push for statehood begins in Congress

- By Ashraf Khalil

WASHINGTON — Washington, D.C.’s bid for statehood finally got a congressio­nal hearing Monday, but Mayor Muriel Bowser’s clashes with Republican­s on the panel made clear that the issue is far from settled.

Republican­s accused Democrats of a cynical power play, claimed statehood was never the intention of the country’s Founding Fathers, and insisted that Congress doesn’t even have the right to grant statehood to D.C.

Bowser argued that Washington­ians’ lack of representa­tion in Congress was “one of the remaining glaring civil rights issues of our time.”

Supporters of D.C.’s quest for statehood believe the time is right to bring the long-simmering and racially charged idea to fruition. It would give D.C. two senators and a fully voting member of the House. The District historical­ly votes Democratic.

“We dare to believe that D.C. statehood is on the horizon,” said the District’s long-serving, nonvoting delegate, Eleanor Holmes Norton, who wrote the bill and said it has overwhelmi­ng support in the House.

Bowser spent much of Monday’s four-hour hearing by the House oversight committee in a series of sometimes pointed exchanges with Republican committee members.

Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., repeatedly interrupte­d Bowser’s answers, at one point saying, “You completely answered my question, so please don’t continue.”

Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wis., also interrupte­d Bowser’s responses, then told the committee chair he would change the subject because “she won’t answer this.”

Bowser heatedly replied, “SHE is happy to answer your question.”

Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., sought to subvert the District’s “taxation without representa­tion” slogan that adorns local license plates. He asked Bowser if District residents would be OK with the current situation if they didn’t have to pay federal taxes — similar to the residents of Puerto Rico or American Samoa.

“The District is proud to pay its fair share of taxes,” she said. “We’re not trying to shirk our responsibi­lities.”

Monday’s contentiou­s hearing provided a preview of a debate that may come to dominate the national political discourse. The racially charged subtext was impossible to miss: Washington’s Black Lives Matter affiliate live-tweeted the hearing. The local BLM chapter is a longtime critic of Bowser, but found itself allied with her for the day, accusing Hice at one point of “grasping at racist straws.”

Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., a committee member, noted that although D.C. is no longer majority Black, at 46%, it would immediatel­y become the blackest state in the country. “D.C. statehood is a racial-justice issue,” she said.

Republican­s on the panel leaned heavily on the testimony of Zack Smith, a legal fellow with the Heritage Foundation, a conservati­ve think tank. Smith said Congress does have the authority to admit new states, but in his analysis this authority would be irrelevant for the unique case of Washington since the federal district was described and created in Article 1 of the Constituti­on itself. Therefore, Smith argued, the normal congressio­nal route to statehood is invalid and it can only be achieved through a constituti­onal amendment.

“No other state owes its existence to a provision of the Constituti­on. No other state is in this unique position of the District of Columbia,” he said.

Smith also argued that the Founding Fathers never wanted statehood for D.C. and always intended it to be a federal district under congressio­nal oversight “to preserve the safety and security of the federal government.”

Multiple Republican legislator­s referenced the idea of retrocessi­on — a proposal whereby most of the District would be reabsorbed back into Maryland. Bowser and Norton said neither residents of Washington nor Maryland were interested in that.

Washington has long chafed under its relationsh­ip with Congress, which has the power to essentiall­y veto or alter any local laws. Washington’s population is larger than that of Wyoming or Vermont and its estimated 712,000 residents pay federal taxes, vote for president and serve in the armed forces, but have no voting representa­tion in Congress.

“All we are asking of you is to correct an anomaly of our history,” Bowser told the committee.

“This bill is about two new Senate seats,” said ranking Republican committee member James Comer. “There’s not a single Republican in Congress, in the House or the Senate, that supports this bill.”

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