Texarkana Gazette

Jan. 6 committee subpoenas former Trump adviser


WASHINGTON — The House committee investigat­ing the U.S. Capitol insurrecti­on subpoenaed former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Wednesday, seeking to question an ally of former President Donald Trump who promoted false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

The committee is demanding informatio­n and testimony from Navarro, who they say was involved in efforts to delay Congress’ certificat­ion of the 2020 election and ultimately change the election results, Mississipp­i Rep. Bennie Thompson, the committee’s Democratic chairman, said in a statement.

“Mr. Navarro appears to have informatio­n directly relevant to the Select Committee’s investigat­ion into the causes of the January 6th attack on the Capitol,” Thompson continued. “He hasn’t been shy about his role in efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and has even discussed the former President’s support for those plans.”

In a statement Wednesday, Navarro called the committee a “partisan witch hunt” and reiterated his claim of executive privilege.

The committee “should negotiate any waiver of the privilege with the president and his attorneys directly, not through me,” Navarro said.

The nine-member panel said it has obtained informatio­n from public interviews, reporting and even Navarro’s own book that indicates he worked with longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon and others to develop and implement a plan to delay the certificat­ion of Joe Biden’s electoral win on Jan. 6, 2021. Navarro was one of the White House staffers who promoted Trump’s baseless claims of mass voter fraud. He released a report in December 2020 that he claimed contained evidence of the alleged misconduct.

The 72-year-old former economics professor was seen as a man with ideas considered well outside the mainstream before he joined the Trump campaign in 2016. The former president asked him to come on board after one of Navarro’s books on China happened to catch the eye of Trump son-inlaw Jared Kushner during an internet search.

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