Texarkana Gazette

The zombie ERA staggers on


WASHINGTON — In 1972, a year of disco, hip-hugging bell-bottoms, 36-centsa-gallon gas and Joe Biden’s first Senate election, Congress sent the Equal Rights Amendment to the states for ratificati­on. This required the assent of three-quarters of them (38) within seven years. A ratificati­on deadline, which has been an organic part of every amendment submitted to the states for a century, is intended to ensure what the Supreme Court calls a “sufficient­ly contempora­neous” consensus for constituti­onal change.

Although the ERA (“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged … on account of sex”) has long been dead as a doornail, it is a useful cadaver. Progressiv­es toiling to resurrect it are expending energy they might otherwise devote to achievable mischief. And they are reminding the nation how aggressive­ly they will traduce constituti­onal, rule-of-law and democratic norms to achieve their goals, however frivolous.

The ERA rocketed toward ratificati­on: Seven states approved it the first week, 19 within three months, mostly without hearings because it was rightly regarded as a constituti­onal nullity, a “consciousn­ess-raising” gesture: What would it add to the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of “equal protection of the laws” for all “persons”? But by 1975, the momentum to clutter the Constituti­on with pointless verbiage stalled. So, the amendment’s supporters began their now 47-year, ever-more-sophistica­l campaign to rig the ratificati­on process.

Although decades later they would assert — without evidence, of which there is none from the Constituti­on’s text or history — that ratificati­on deadlines are unconstitu­tional, they got Congress to extend the deadline. Congress, whose members are sworn to “support and defend” the Constituti­on, extended it 39 months — by a simple majority vote. This, even though the deadline was a component of the amendment, which had to pass both houses of Congress with twothirds majorities. And even though 30 of the 35 states that had ratified it by January 1977 had referred to the seven-year deadline in their ratificati­on resolution­s.

Congress, supinely pandering, extended the deadline — but only for states that had not already ratified it. This was to block additional recissions: Four states, having had second (or perhaps first) thoughts, had canceled their ratificati­ons. The 39-month extension expired in 1982, 123 months after the ERA left Congress, having gone longer (65 months) without an additional state’s ratificati­on than it took to get the original 35 (which by then had shrunk to 30).

Since then, the ERA’S advocates of equality for women have insisted on ever-more-elaborate special treatment for the amendment. They have said the clock can never expire on ratificati­on, and no ratificati­on can be rescinded. Baldly declaring the five recissions impermissi­ble, and that all deadlines are illegitima­te, between 2017 and 2020 they got three more states to ratify the ERA. So, they said, the 38-state threshold had been reached, and they demanded that the National Archivist declare the Constituti­on amended. This he declined to do.

The Era-as-lazarus project has had unpleasant experience­s in the courts, where law is taken seriously. In 2021, a federal district judge (an Obama appointee) held that the seven-year deadline set by Congress half a century ago was valid, so the three states’ make-believe ratificati­ons, 2017-2020, were without legal effect. This brings to 26 the number of federal judges (14 Republican and 12 Democratic appointees) whose message to the ERA resurrecti­onists has been essentiall­y: You’re kidding, right?

With a tenacity inversely proportion­al to their credibilit­y, the ERA’S bitter-enders, who of course subscribe to progressiv­ism’s theory of unlimited presidenti­al power, insist that the ERA is “one signature away” — the archivist’s — from becoming the 28th Amendment. They want President Biden to order the archivist to ignore all the legal folderol and paste the ERA into the Constituti­on. The archivist who spurned the resurrecti­onists’ demand has retired, but his likely successor seems equally sensible.

At Senate confirmati­on hearings for Colleen Shogan in September, she was asked by Sen. Rob Portman, R-ohio: “If confirmed, would you continue to abide by the January 2020 [Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel] opinion, as your predecesso­r did?” She said yes, and that a court order would be the only circumstan­ce under which she would certify that the ERA has been ratified. If she means this, the amendment’s fate was settled long ago.

If any of the resurrecti­onists were just 21 in 1972 when Congress sent the ERA to the states, they are now 71. Their hip-hugging bell-bottoms are dimly remembered embarrassm­ents, like the ERA.

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