Texarkana Gazette

Faith groups split over bill to protect same-sex marriage

- DAVID CRARY AP Religion Team journalist­s Holly Meyer, Peter Smith, Deepa Bharath and Luis Andres Henao contribute­d to this report. Associated Press religion coverage receives support through the AP’S collaborat­ion with The Conversati­on US, with funding

Among U.S. faith leaders and denominati­ons, there are sharp difference­s over the bill advancing in the Senate that would protect same-sex and interracia­l marriages in federal law.

The measure, a high priority for congressio­nal Democrats, won a key test vote Wednesday when 12 Senate Republican­s joined all Democrats to forward the bill for a final vote in the coming days. At least 10 GOP senators were needed for that to happen.

On Tuesday, one of the most prominent conservati­ve-leaning denominati­ons — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — came out in favor of the legislatio­n. But the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention remain opposed, saying the bill — even with a newly added amendment aimed at attracting Republican support — is a dire threat to religious liberty.

A paramount concern for these leaders of the country’s two largest denominati­ons is that even the updated bill would not protect religious schools or faithbased nonprofits such as adoption and foster care providers.

The bill “is an intentiona­l attack on the religious freedom of millions of Americans with sincerely held beliefs about marriage, based on dictates of faith in God,” leaders of the Missouri Baptist Convention, an SBC affiliate, said in a letter this week to U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt, a Missouri Republican.

The letter failed to sway Blunt; he voted for the bill.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, chairman of the Catholic bishops’ Committee for Religious Liberty, dismissed the bipartisan amendment as failing even the “meager goal” of preserving the status quo in balancing religious freedom with the right to same-sex marriage.

“The bill will be a new arrow in the quiver of those who wish to deny religious organizati­ons’ liberty to freely exercise their religious duties, strip them of their tax exemptions, or exclude them from full participat­ion in the public arena,” Dolan said earlier this week.

Meanwhile, many left-ofcenter faith leaders are cheering the bill, including some who planned a Thursday morning rally at the U.S. Capitol. Rally sponsors include the Interfaith Alliance, the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, the United Church of Christ Justice and Local Church Ministries and Hindus for Human Rights.

“This is common sense legislatio­n which provides religious liberty for all and not just a few,” said Tarunjit Singh Butalia, executive director of Religions for Peace USA. “Faith communitie­s need to work on living out the principles of marriage enshrined in their own faith without imposing their religious views on people of other faiths and no faith.”

The bill won approval in the House in July. A final Senate vote is expected soon, and the measure — if approved — would then return to the House for considerat­ion of Senate changes.

The bill has gained steady momentum since the Supreme Court’s June decision that overturned Roe v. Wade and the federal right to abortion. An opinion at that time from Justice Clarence Thomas suggested that an earlier high court decision protecting same-sex marriage could also come under threat.

Rachel Laser, president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, noted the court opinions in her statement lauding Wednesday’s vote. She called the legislatio­n a “vital step in our nation’s march toward freedom without favor and equality without exception.”

The legislatio­n included a proposed Senate amendment, designed to bring more Republican­s on board, clarifying that it does not affect rights of private individual­s or businesses that are already enshrined in law. Another tweak would make clear that a marriage is between two people, an effort to ward off some far-right criticism that the legislatio­n could endorse polygamy.

However, numerous conservati­ve faith leaders scoffed at the changes.

“The new amended Senate bill—the ‘commonsens­e’ bill that ‘protects Americans’ religious liberties’—actually does no such thing,” wrote the Rev. Al Mohler Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theologica­l Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, in an opinion piece. “What is left wide open is the threat to ministries such as Christian orphanages and children’s care as well as adoption ministries and foster care.”

The head of the Southern Baptist’s public policy arm, Brent Leatherwoo­d of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, faulted the bill’s Senate backers for pushing legislatio­n “that will only divide us.”

“We oppose this bill because marriage is an institutio­n created by God, one with a very specific design: A union between one man and one woman for life,” Leatherwoo­d said via email.

Pastor Jack Hibbs who leads Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, an evangelica­l megachurch in Southern California, said the legislatio­n “creates an atmosphere of great disrespect for marriage.”

“We have seen this in recent years, for example, regarding businesses that provide services for weddings, from wedding venues to bakeries and florists,” he said, adding that nonprofits could be sued “because of their personal and foundation­al conviction­s, which should be protected by the First Amendment.”

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, chairman of the Catholic bishops’ Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth, said the bill provided inadequate religious protection­s.

“I object to language like exceptions, because it means that we’re allowed a pass to discrimina­te,” he said in an interview Wednesday. “But that’s not what we’re doing at all. We’re affirming that children need a mother and a father.”

He acknowledg­ed that leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints “seem to be moving in a different direction” regarding same-sex marriage. “But they’ve been very, very strong partners with us in trying to keep the focus on the the need to preserve the family.”

In its statement Tuesday, the Utah-based LDS said church doctrine would continue to consider same-sex relationsh­ips to be against God’s commandmen­ts, but that it would support rights for same-sex couples as long as they didn’t infringe upon religious groups’ right to believe as they choose.

Among the faith leaders urging passage of the bill was the Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbus­h, an American Baptist pastor who is president of Interfaith Alliance and is part of a same-sex marriage.

“There is a misconcept­ion that faith and LGBTQ+ equality are fundamenta­lly incompatib­le,” he wrote in an opinion piece carried Wednesday by Religion News Service.

“As a religious leader, I regard this historic legislatio­n as an important contributi­on to America’s religious freedom,” he wrote. “More immediatel­y, I am not willing to leave the status of the marriages I’ve performed or my own to chance.”

 ?? (AP Photo/mark Lennihan) ?? Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, speaks during a news conference Sept. 30, 2019, in New York. This month, Dolan, chairman of the Catholic bishops’ Committee for Religious Liberty, dismissed a bill pending in the Senate that would protect same sex and interracia­l marriages in federal law, as failing even the “meager goal” of preserving the status quo in balancing religious freedom with the right to same-sex marriage.
(AP Photo/mark Lennihan) Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, speaks during a news conference Sept. 30, 2019, in New York. This month, Dolan, chairman of the Catholic bishops’ Committee for Religious Liberty, dismissed a bill pending in the Senate that would protect same sex and interracia­l marriages in federal law, as failing even the “meager goal” of preserving the status quo in balancing religious freedom with the right to same-sex marriage.

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