Texarkana Gazette

Get off the phone and pay attention to life

- Heloise Advice

Dear Heloise: I had to laugh when I read the letter about “phubbing” from R.T.K. of New York. This is because even my dog, a small male lap chihuahua, resents my being on the phone or even reading the paper when he wants attention. He will swat the paper or the phone down, and then sit on it. He has even figured out how to scroll on the phone screen with his paw if he can get to the screen. He once removed my email app. So, even animals resent being “phubbed” — the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention. — Rolanda Mayer, via email


Dear Heloise: One day, when I was putting white moisturizi­ng cream on my face, I looked in the mirror and saw strands of wispy hair that had escaped from where they had so carefully been placed minutes before.

Then, the thought came to me: “What would happen if I gently put moisturizi­ng cream on them?” So, with a very light, nearly invisible coating on my fingers, I gently touched the naughty strands. Sure enough, they instantly snapped to attention and allowed me to put them in place. Wow!

Then, I rubbed a tiny bit of cream onto both of my hands and gently patted the hair on my whole head — just the surface hair. It also gave the hair just enough weight to get under gentle control. — Priscilla Zanni, Vancouver, Washington

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise.com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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