Texarkana Gazette

Biden plays into the hands of Hamas


President Joe Biden continues to dangerousl­y play it both ways regarding Israel. His misguided public comments rouse Hamas terrorists and cost more lives.

Biden remains terrified of getting sideways with progressiv­e activists in the United States who have cozied up to those calling for Israel’s destructio­n. Many of them are in his own administra­tion. In what will likely be a close November election, he can’t afford to lose the support.

Concerns for his political survival have led the president to dissemble and posture over Israel’s effort to protect itself in the wake of the Oct. 7 massacre. Over the weekend, Biden proclaimed that he would “never leave Israel,” yet then went on to upbraid the country’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for tolerating too many civilian casualties. He added that Netanyahu was “hurting Israel more than helping Israel.”

This is an outrageous characteri­zation that misreads diplomatic reality while sending precisely the wrong message to Hamas.

The terror group uses the deaths of its own civilians to pursue its murderous agenda. It routinely and intentiona­lly puts innocent women and children in harm’s way and relishes the humanitari­an issues its attacks on Israel unleash. It is counting on increased internatio­nal pressure to help it keep the Israeli defense forces at bay and to force a cease-fire that will allow it to kill another day and carry out more deadly, indiscrimi­nate attacks on Jewish targets.

Biden’s public rebukes of Netanyahu imply a softness in American support for the Jewish state and play directly into the hands of fanatics dedicated to wiping Israel off the map. They also embolden Iran, who is using surrogates such as Hamas to light a fuse in the tense Middle East.

For his part, Netanyahu has held his ground.

The Biden administra­tion “pressure tactics have allowed Netanyahu to rally even his rivals around his positions on Rafah and against unilateral U.S. recognitio­n of a Palestinia­n state, an idea that Israelis find criminally insane right now,” Elliot Kaufman of the Wall Street Journal noted this week. “The prime minister’s chief opponent, Benny Gantz, has publicly agreed with him on both.”

Biden should make it clear to Hamas officials that American support for Israel is unwavering — and if they seek an end to the war they started, they must lay down their arms, free the civilian hostages they hold, disavow terror and recognize Israel’s right to exist. Instead, the president publicly hectors Israel every week in order to appease the far left. The word pathetic comes to mind.

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