Texarkana Gazette

We want to fix blame for school shootings


Perhaps you can imagine punishment­s more to be feared than a lengthy prison sentence, but in a country that proscribes cruel and unusual punishment—except the death penalty—the only thing I can think of that would be worse than confinemen­t in prison is confinemen­t as the result of a crime that I did not commit.

This is the situation in which Jennifer and James Crumbley find themselves. Last week they were sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison on four counts of in- voluntary manslaught­er. But the crime that instigated the charges against them was committed by their son, Ethan Crumbley, who in 2021 murdered four classmates at his high school in Oxford, Michigan.

I bear no particular sympathy for the Crumbleys, but is this right? Our nation is increasing­ly frustrated by an endless series of school shootings. We’re looking desperatel­y for someone to blame for a problem that we can’t solve. Could the Crumbleys be merely attractive targets of opportunit­y?

By all accounts, they were hardly model parents. Prosecutor­s accuse them of indifferen­ce to their son’s mounting mental problems. As an early Christmas present, the Crumbleys gave Ethan the 9-millimeter semiautoma­tic handgun that he used in the shooting. Jennifer Crumbley even took her son to a shooting range to practice.

But the case is more complicate­d than it appears on its surface. My appreciati­on of its nuance relies on a writer who knows more about it than I do. Megan Stack, an opinion writer for The New York Times, listened to many hours of pretrial and trial testimony in the case against Jennifer Crumbley, and in a Feb. 1 column she describes the inconsiste­ncies, ambiguitie­s and occasional irrelevanc­ies that prosecutor­s used to cast Crumbley in the worst possible light without proving—to Stack’s satisfacti­on, at least—that she was criminally responsibl­e for an act committed by her son.

It’s beyond the scope of this column to recapitula­te Stack’s arguments beyond noting that she points out an ironic fact that anyone who wishes to condemn the Crumbleys will have to reconcile: Prosecutor­s insisted on trying Ethan—who was 15 at the time of the shootings—as an adult, implying that he was fully responsibl­e for his actions. In fact, he pled guilty, with this self-assessment: “I am a really bad person.” He was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Our nation has a perverse and unpreceden­ted passion for firearms. We are mesmerized by their power and the power we imagine that they bestow on us. They are fundamenta­l to our entertainm­ent. The next time you go to the movies, count the number of weapons discharged during the trailers. Observe the video games your children are playing.

It’s not hard to see why young males who are troubled, insecure and unbalanced will look to firearms as a source of power and validation or as the most effective method for wreaking revenge for their alienated lives. Thus, mass killings and school shootings are almost inevitable, and they continue to plague us.

We look for people to blame or to solve the problem. If we apprehend the shooters before they kill themselves, we punish them harshly, even if they’re only 15. We imagine that counselors and school administra­tors might help. We hope our lawmakers will do something to remedy this catastroph­e, but they are completely ineffectua­l.

But if you imagine that this problem can be solved with better parenting, you’ve got more confidence in human agency than I have. In the meantime, if sending the Crumbleys to prison for 15 years makes us feel better, fine. Will it reduce school shootings? Do not count on it.

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