The Advance of Bucks County

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In response to our story on plans for a mobile

home park at the Newtown Swim Club: Guest wrote: 52 units where only 30 is allowed by law given the tract is only 16 acres large is NOT compromise. It is demanding something far greater than the zoning allows sLPSOy EHcDusH RnH wDnWs WR PDNH D cHUWDLn SURfiW. ,I yRu cDn’W SURfiW Ey EuLOGLng RnOy 30 unLWs Rn 16 DcUHs LnsWHDG RI 52, then you should not be in the housing business.

Leia wrote: A mobile home park in Newtown is one of the worst ideas and I couldn’t be more opposed to it. Everyone who lives in that surroundin­g area should sign a petition to prevent this plan from becoming a reality since their home assessment values will greatly decrease. Who would want to buy a home, no matter how nice, near a trailer park. Newtown is considered one of the best towns in which to live and with good reason. It is a small quaint town, with a very charming appeal that many people visit because of its charm. Putting in a trailer park would decrease Newtown’s allure and I am truly upset that this plan is even a considerat­ion for Newtown. I am a former resident of Newtown and look forwDUG WR wHHNOy vLsLWs sLPSOy EHcDusH yRu cDnnRW finG PDny places like it. The borough has so many great shops and such history and beautiful homes that having a mobile home park just down the street would taint the reputation and character that Newtown has always maintained. Every new store built in Newtown has had to follow strict rules with regard to its appearance to maintain the old charm of Newtown. How could you possibly make a trailer park appear charming and classy?! Easy answer ... you couldn’t.

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